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الموضوع: Grammar – Translation Method

  1. #1
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Grammar – Translation Method

    احبابي الكرام
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

    اريد من لدية معلومة او موضوع عن طرق تدريس اللغة موضوع

    Grammar – Translation Method

    ان يفيدنا

    لكم جزيل الشكرررررررررررررر

  2. #2
    انجليزي رائع الصورة الرمزية Del Mar
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    البيت الابيض
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method

    عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاتة
    اخوي ناصر .. الـG-T method يعتبر من اول الطرق اللي استخدمت لتدريس اللغات الاجنبية
    وطبعا هذي الطريقة تعتبر اسهل طريقة في التدريس وهي اللي يستخدمها نسبة كبيرة في تدريس الانجليزي .. لكن للاسف هي طريقة ثبت انها طريقة غير صحيحة وتضر الطالب لانها عبارة عن ترجمة × ترجمه في كل شي ... وتستخدم فيها اللغة الام للمتعلم بشكل كبير جدا .. يعني ثلاث ارباع الكلام في الحصة يكون عربي والطالب يتشتت ويصير يحفظ كلمات بس والفائدة ماتكون كبيرة بعكس لمن نستخدم الـDirect method أو Audio-Lingual Method اللي تكون افضل لان الكلام باللغة الام للطالب يكون قليل جدا ويكون التواصل وتلقي المعلومة باللغة المراد تعلمها وهي الانجليزية عندنا

    طبعا للاسف اغلب الطلاب ماتنفع معهم الا طريقة الــG-T لانهم متعودين على هذا الشي .. لكن لمن يتعود الطالب من صف سادس على الـA-L أو الدايركت رح يكون افضل وةتكون المحصلة النهائية افضل لان الطالب بيتعلم كيف يستمع ويفهم باللغة الانجليزية وكمان يتحدث ويسأل باللغة الانجليزية

    هذا اللي اشوفه عن هذي الطريقة ويجي من يفيدنا اكثر ان شاء الله

    Be the change you want to see in the world

  3. #3
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة StinG مشاهدة المشاركة

    عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاتة
    اخوي ناصر .. الـG-T method يعتبر من اول الطرق اللي استخدمت لتدريس اللغات الاجنبية
    وطبعا هذي الطريقة تعتبر اسهل طريقة في التدريس وهي اللي يستخدمها نسبة كبيرة في تدريس الانجليزي .. لكن للاسف هي طريقة ثبت انها طريقة غير صحيحة وتضر الطالب لانها عبارة عن ترجمة × ترجمه في كل شي ... وتستخدم فيها اللغة الام للمتعلم بشكل كبير جدا .. يعني ثلاث ارباع الكلام في الحصة يكون عربي والطالب يتشتت ويصير يحفظ كلمات بس والفائدة ماتكون كبيرة بعكس لمن نستخدم الـDirect method أو Audio-Lingual Method اللي تكون افضل لان الكلام باللغة الام للطالب يكون قليل جدا ويكون التواصل وتلقي المعلومة باللغة المراد تعلمها وهي الانجليزية عندنا

    طبعا للاسف اغلب الطلاب ماتنفع معهم الا طريقة الــG-T لانهم متعودين على هذا الشي .. لكن لمن يتعود الطالب من صف سادس على الـA-L أو الدايركت رح يكون افضل وةتكون المحصلة النهائية افضل لان الطالب بيتعلم كيف يستمع ويفهم باللغة الانجليزية وكمان يتحدث ويسأل باللغة الانجليزية

    هذا اللي اشوفه عن هذي الطريقة ويجي من يفيدنا اكثر ان شاء الله

    Thank you a lot my friend, but we want the definition if this method and what are the effects of this method on students and also with teacher and the advantages and disadvantages.

    I used the Google search and I found some text about it but it is so long

  4. #4
    مراقب الصورة الرمزية البـارع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method

    I went back to my old university notes to answer your questions, hope you find them useful

    definition if this method

    Grammar translation method usually consists of an explanation of a grammatical rule, with some example sentences , a bilingual vocabulary list, a reading section to improve grammar rules and vocabulary

    what are the effects of this method on students and also with teacher

    most of the interaction in the classroom is from the teacher to the students. there's little student initiation and participation

    it emphasized grammar and vocabulary primly, then it helps to improve reading and writing skills


    *it depends on memorization

    *it gives students little opportunity for acquisition
    *students are negative, there's a little interaction
    *students learn only what the teacher knows
    *there's a little attention for speaking and listening skills


  5. #5
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة البـارع مشاهدة المشاركة
    I went back to my old university notes to answer your questions, hope you find them useful

    Grammar translation method usually consists of an explanation of a grammatical rule, with some example sentences , a bilingual vocabulary list, a reading section to improve grammar rules and vocabulary

    most of the interaction in the classroom is from the teacher to the students. there's little student initiation and participation

    it emphasized grammar and vocabulary primly, then it helps to improve reading and writing skills

    *it depends on memorization

    *it gives students little opportunity for acquisition
    *students are negative, there's a little interaction
    *students learn only what the teacher knows
    *there's a little attention for speaking and listening skills


    Thank you a lot my friend
    Nice work with a lot information

    من القلب شكرررررررا جزيلا

    كما اتمنى من الأخوة في سعودي انجلش ومن لديه معلومات عن باقي الطرق ان يفيدنابها

    لا حرمكم الله الأجر
    دمتم بخير

  6. #6
    مراقب الصورة الرمزية البـارع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method

    العفو اخي الكريم , ويا ليت لو يكون تركيزك على طريقة Audio-Lingual Method

  7. #7
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ههههههههههههههههههههههههه ه
    يمنع وضع اكثر من صورة او صور نسائية او صور ذات حجم كبير
    يمنع وضع روابط لمواقع ومنتديات أخرى
    يمنع وضع روابط الاغاني
    يمنع وضع البريد الالكتروني

  8. #8
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method

    ياخ ناصر اعتقد انك درست الطريقة عند الدكتور علي االشهري
    يمنع وضع اكثر من صورة او صور نسائية او صور ذات حجم كبير
    يمنع وضع روابط لمواقع ومنتديات أخرى
    يمنع وضع روابط الاغاني
    يمنع وضع البريد الالكتروني

  9. #9
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method

    The Grammar Translation Method
    The Grammar Translation Method

    The Grammar Translation Method is the oldest method of teaching in India. It is as old as the international of English in the country. A number of methods and techniques have been evolved for the teaching of English and also other foreign languages in the recent past, yet this method is still in use in many part of India. It maintains the mother tongue of the learner as the reference particularly in the process of learning the second/foreign languages. The main principles on which the Grammar Translation Method is based are the following:
    (i) Translation interprets the words and phrases of the foreign languages in the best possible manner.
    (ii) The phraseology and the idiom of the target language can best be assimilated in the process of interpretation.
    (iii) The structures of the foreign languages are best learnt when compared and contrast with those of mother tongue.

    In this method, while teaching the text book the teacher translates every word, phrase from English into the mother tongue of learners. Further, students are required to translate sentences from their mother tongue into English. These exercises in translation are based on various items covering the grammar of the target language. The method emphasizes the study of grammar through deduction that is through the study of the rules of grammar. A contrastive study of the target language with the mother tongue gives an insight into the structure not only of the foreign language but also of the mother tongue.

    1. The phraseology of the target language is quickly explained. Translation is the easiest way of explaining meanings or words and phrases from one language into another. Any other method of explaining vocabulary items in the second language is found time consuming. A lot of time is wasted if the meanings of lexical items are explained through definitions and illustrations in the second language. Further, learners acquire some short of accuracy in understanding synonyms in the source language and the target language.
    2. Teacher’s labour is saved. Since the textbooks are taught through the medium of the mother tongue, the teacher may ask comprehension questions on the text taught in the mother tongue. Pupils will not have much difficulty in responding to questions on the mother tongue. So, the teacher can easily assess whether the students have learnt what he has taught them. Communication between the teacher and the learnersdoes not cause linguistic problems. Even teachers who are not fluent in English can teach English through this method. That is perhaps the reason why this method has been practiced so widely and has survived so long.

    1. It is an unnatural method. The natural order of learning a language is listening, speaking, reading and writing. That is the way how the child learns his mother tongue in natural surroundings. But in the Grammar Translation Method the teaching of the second language starts with the teaching of reading. Thus, the learning process is reversed. This poses problems.
    2. Speech is neglected. The Grammar Translation Method lays emphasis on reading and writing. It neglects speech. Thus, the students who are taught English through this method fail to express themselves adequately in spoken English. Even at the undergraduate stage they feel shy of communicating through English. It has been observed that in a class, which is taught English through this method, learners listen to the mother tongue more than that to the second/foreign language. Since language learning involves habit formation such students fail to acquire habit of speaking English. Thus, they have to pay a heavy price for being taught through this method.
    3. Exact translation is not possible. Translation is, indeed, a difficult task and exact translation from one language to another is not always possible. A language is the result of various customs, traditions, and modes of behaviour of a speech community and these traditions differ from community to community. There are several lexical items in one language, which have no synonyms/equivalents in another language. For instance, the meaning of the English word ‘table’ does not fit in such expression as the ‘table of contents’, ‘table of figures’, ‘multiplication table’, ‘time table’ and ‘table the resolution’, etc. English prepositions are also difficult to translate. Consider sentences such as ‘We see with our eyes’, ‘Bombay is far from Delhi’, ‘He died of cholera’, He succeeded through hard work’. In these sentences ‘with’, ‘from’, ‘of’, ‘through’ can be translated into the Hindi preposition ‘se’ and vice versa. Each language has its own structure, idiom and usage, which do not have their exact counterparts in another language. Thus, translation should be considered an index of one’s proficiency in a language.
    4. It does not give pattern practice. A person can learn a language only when he internalizes its patterns to the extent that they form his habit. But the Grammar Translation Method does not provide any such practice to the learner of a language. It rather attempts to teach language through rules and not by use. Researchers in linguistics have proved that to speak any language, whether native or foreign entirely by rule is quite impossible. Language learning means acquiring certain skills, which can be learnt through practice and not by just memorizing rules. The persons who have learnt a foreign or second language through this method find it difficult to give up the habit of first thinking in their mother tongue and than translating their ideas into the second language. They, therefore, fail to get proficiency in the second language approximating that in the first language. The method, therefore, suffers from certain weaknesses for which there is no remedy

  10. #10
    مراقب الصورة الرمزية البـارع
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Grammar – Translation Method


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