المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طالب جديد

25-12-2011, 02:20 AM
السلام عليكم
اخواني انا طالب في الكليه الدورة المكثفه
وعندنا برقرافات كثيره
انا اعرف اكتب بس مشكه اخطا تركيب الجمله
هذا البرقراف
ابغى التصحيح لو سحمتم
MyFather is nasser.He works a teacher. He is 45.He lives in flat in Buraidah. He is married and he has 4 children. He likes swimming and reading. He speak English and Arabic. He has a car.
شباب 10 جمل انا جبت 8
وفيه البراقرف هذا
my name is IBRAHIM. I am student. I am 20year.I am single. I am live in flat in Buraidah. I am study English in college.I am like Swimming and Reading.I am speak English and Arabic.I have a car.

ارجو ياشباب اللى عنده معلومات يصحح الاخطاء
:smile (30):

25-12-2011, 03:17 PM
ارجو المساعده تكفوووووون

25-12-2011, 08:02 PM
تفضل تصحيح البرقرآف مع الإضآفآت البسيطه عليه
وربي يوفقك إن شآء الله

MyFather is Nasser.He works as a teacher. He is 45 years old .He lives in a flat in Buraidah. He is married and he has 4 children. He likes swimming and reading. He speaks English and Arabic. He has a car . we always spend a beautiful time together . he advises me. I like him too much .


my name is Ibraheem . I am student. I am 20 years old .I am single. I live in a flat in Buraidah. I study English language in the college.I like Swimming and Reading, and speak English with Arabic.I have a beautiful car . and I hope to be a doctor .

26-12-2011, 05:16 PM
مشكوووووووووووووووووووووو ووووووووووورررررررررره