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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كيييف ادرّس الفونكس ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

06-03-2012, 05:59 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
الله يسعدكم يااارب
ياليت تفيدونا بالطريقة الصحيحة لتدريس الفونكس :smile (78):
بجد محتااارة مع البنات ؟؟؟
كيف علمتوهم الاصوات :smile (73):
و معقولة البنت راح تعرف الحرف من الصوت :smile (73):
أفيدونااا بالطرق الصحيحة أرجوووكم
وكل واحد يدخل يقول طريقته مشكووورا خلونا نستفيد

06-03-2012, 08:09 PM
أرجووكم ردوا

06-03-2012, 09:31 PM
ردوا الله يخليكم

06-03-2012, 10:09 PM
size="6"]هلا اختي نقاء بالنسبه للفونكس طبعا تعتمد علي الاستماع تخلين البنات يسمعون السي دي اول مرة وبعدين يسمعون ويرددون وبعدين يسوون سبلنغ ويقرأون وممكن تخلين البنات المتميزات يقراون والبنات يردون وراهم
وانا لسه ماسكه رابع قبل اسبوعين ولقيتهم لسه ما يعرفون يفرقون بين الحروف فقاعدة اراجع لهم الحروف واحاول امشي بالمنهج عشان ما اتاخر [/size]

اذكر الله يذكرك
09-03-2012, 10:46 PM

09-03-2012, 11:20 PM
Teaching phonics to young children is the first educational step on the road to reading. Phonics is learning to comprehend how letters and sounds come together to create words. Young children generally begin to learn phonics as toddlers. This means that teaching phonics usually begins in the home and the learning continues in preschool and or kindergarten. Teaching phonics to young children is something that a parent or caregiver can do with a few steps.
Other People Are Reading
The Types of Teachings for Phonics Learning to Read Phonics

Introduce the alphabet as early as possible. Believe it or not, signing the alphabet song to young children is the first introduction they will have to phonics. Also, watching show like "Sesame Street" will give kids phonemic awareness.

Sing rhyming songs. By singing, you are introducing young children to the sounds that letters can make.

Read rhyming books aloud. Books like the Dr. Seuss series are excellent resources to get young children accustomed to hearing sounds.

Teach the letters of the alphabet. Whether you are teaching one child or many, break down the alphabet and teach one letter at a time. You can name them "alpha friend" of the week. Make up names for each letter, such as "Reggie Rooster" for the letter "R." Make up songs that are filled with the letter of the week. Worksheets or preschool activity books are a prefect way for children to practice and reinforce the letter they have just learned.

Teach the sounds of the letters. When introducing a letter, introduce the sound the letter makes as well. For example, teach that the letter M makes an "mmmm" sound and not a "ma" sound.

Play "I Spy" with letters. When teaching phonics to young children, it is important that they are able to identify words that begin with a letter. This game can be played walking around the house, in the grocery store, when reading books or if flipping through magazines.

Play sound games. This is a way to get young children to think of what they have learned and to test their listening skills. Ask if they know any words that begin with a sound. For example, see how many words they can come up with that begin with the "B" sound. Always provide an audio example for them to hear.

Make use of flashcards. Flashcards are a great way to see what the child has learned and to further reinforce what they have learned.

Make use of modern technology if available. If you have a computer available, there are preschool and kindergarten computer games either through CD-ROMs or on the Internet that specialize in teaching phonics to young children. Also, there are DVDs as well as learning games such as Fridge Phonics by Leap Frog that make learning phonics easy and fun.

Practice, practice, practice. The only way young children will learn phonics is through practice. The more they practice, the more they will know and create a solid foundation to move on the next step, learning to read.

SOURCE (http://www.ehow.com/how_4457723_teach-phonics-young-children.html)

غروب العمر
11-03-2012, 07:49 PM
عزيزتي رح أعطيك خلاصة ما عندي ......

تتعرف الطالبة على الصوت من خلال السي دي يعني تسمعه وتردده كويس وتعرف إن هناك حرف وهناك صوت لهذا لحرف
حرف h ينطق ( هـ ) في الكلمة ..... هذا النطق ...ولكن كحرف مستقل نقول ( اتش )
والأهم هنا أن تتمكن الطالبة من تمييز صوت الحرف لأنها عندما تنطق الحرف صوتا رح تتمكن من قراءة الكلمات بعد ذلك بشكل صحيح ورح تستطيع التخاطب ( الحوار شفهيا ) بشكل صحيح وسليم ومفهوم

هذا كلام المدربة التركية التي دربتنا على المنهج في دورة بداية العام في عسير وأنا كنت حاضرة.

17-03-2012, 11:25 PM
جزيت الجنه:smile2 (1)::guy face (52):

01-04-2012, 11:50 PM
http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/8275/goodtopicnw7.gif http://www5.0zz0.com/2007/12/07/20/61043092.gif

cool dody
28-04-2012, 07:58 PM
Thanx alot all

23-01-2016, 04:25 AM
شكرا لكم جميعا