المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أرجوكم ساعدوني ياأهل الخير في حل هذه الأسئله إنها واجب عندي وأخر موعد اليوم الأربعاء

11-04-2012, 07:54 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته :

أهديكم سلامي وتحياتي

أنا طالب مستجد في الجامعه وأطلب منكم المساعده في حل أسئلة الواجب والله أنا متأخر عن رفع الواجب وأخر موعد اليوم الأربعاء 19/5/1433 وبالميلادي 11/4/2012والسبب أنني أدرس إنتساب بالجامعة تعليم عن بعد وموظف عسكري ولم أحصل على فرصه أجب على هذه الأسئلة وفي نفس الوقت أنا ضعيف مرررررره في اللغة الإنجليزيه أرجووووووووووووووووووكم ساعدوني في الإجابات على هذه الأسئله أتمنى لكم الخير وأسعد الأوقات ......


1-Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:

According to some meteorologists (weather researchers), the earth's climate is changing slowly. In most places on the planet, the weather varies from season to season or even from day to day. In contrast, the typical climate is similar every year. Even so, there may be global climate changes from one long time period to another. What are these changes? Some scientists believe the weather is becoming more extreme. There are longer periods of very cold and very hot temperatures. There are more and more powerful hurricanes and tornados (storms with strong fast winds) and blizzards (heavy snowstorms) Floods (large amounts of water on dry land) and long droughts (times without enough rain) are causing greater and greater physical damage to the human communities on earth. These extreme forces of nature will get even worse in the future, say some people. And every change in climate in one part of the globe will bring more extreme changes in other areas.

1- What do meteorologists do?
2- What do meteorologists believe about the earth’s climate?
3-When do global climate changes occur?
4- Give an example of extreme weather.
5-Define :Blizzards-Tornados
6-How do the global climate changes affect humans?
7-Does a change in climate in one area affect another ? How?
8-Give the main idea in the passage.
9-Suggest a title to the passage

10-From the passage find

I-Synonyms to the following:

Earth-vary-location-society- adequate
II. Antonyms to the following

III. An example of:

– an adjective -an adverb -a conjunction-a prepositional phrase-a modal verb

2-Write the long form of the following reduced sentences

- I’m gonna go ta Bear Mountain.
-How bouchu?
- I dowanna go?

3-Using Language

-You are talented in drawing. Express your ability in two different ways.


crazy about-degrees-scared-hiking
A-I’m______of snakes.
B-We were _______ round America.
C-My friend is ________ diving.
D- Water freezes at 32_______Fahrenheit.

5-Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

A- I work in an factory.
B-Can I have a apple?
C- I live in the house. A house is quite old and has four bedrooms.
D- My country borders on a Pacific Ocean.
E-He comes to work by a taxi.

6-Underline the stressed words and circle the reduced ones in the following sentences:

1-He drives the children to school.
2-She isn’t keeping a journal.
3-The young men are in a boat.

7-Write a ten-line paragraph about ONLY ONE of the Following topics:

-Outdoor Vacation - Sport -Foreign Languages

8-Match the sentences with the present continuous uses:

1-I'm meeting Oscar tomorrow at eight. A-Actions that are happening now
2-Silence, ssshhh..... We are listening to the news. B-Future arrangements
3- Shut up! You are always making a lot of noise. C-Habitual actions with a negative sense

9-Put the words in the correct order to make different sentences in the Present Continuous Tense - positive; negative; yes/no and information questions.

1-my I'm for looking glasses.
2 -book of reading? kind you are What
3-me? for waiting Are you
4- is The not phone ringing.

10- Choose the correct possessive form of nouns

1-That _________ ears are huge.
A: elephant's B: elephants'
2-In the forest, all the _____________ branches were waving in the wind.
A: tree's B: trees'
3- The teacher looked at all the _________ work and chose the best artist
A: student's B:students'
4-________ glove is lost.
A-Iris's B-Iris'
5-______ lunch is ready.
A-The children's B-The children'

11-Complete the following using There is/There are/There isn't/There aren't/Is there/Are there
1- _________ any dogs in the park?
2-________ any tables in the kitchen.
3-_________ a security guard in the shop?
4-_______many animals in the zoo.
5-_______ some grass under the tree.
6-_________ any sugar in my coffee.

12-Use the suitable modal to complete the following sentences

1-I__________ ride a horse. (Ability)
2-I__________go to the party but I'm not sure.(possibility)
3- He will be successful. (prediction)

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:04 PM
كان الله في عونك إقتطع لنفسك وقت وتعلم فيه اللغة الانجليزية (وهذا من الضروري لكي تبدع في مجالك)
راح أحاول أحل اللي أقدر عليه وإن شاء الله الأخوان والأخوات مايقصروا

إجابة السؤال 1
A Meteorologist works within a science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena and especially with weather and weather forecasting.
Meteorologists are scientists who study the causes of weather and try to predict it. The
interpret information and use maps, charts, and computers to analyze data. After this research, the meteorologists prepare the weather forecast.
They get to study weather and the atmosphere.

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:11 PM
إجابة السؤال2
Some scientists believe the weather is becoming more extreme. There are longer periods of very cold and very hot temperatures. There are more and more powerful hurricanes and tornados (storms with strong fast winds) and blizzards (heavy snowstorms) Floods (large amounts of water on dry land) and long droughts (times without enough rain) are causing greater and greater physical damage to the human communities on earth.

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:17 PM
إجابة السؤال 3
in the future

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:20 PM
إجابة السؤال4
hurricanes and tornados (storms with strong fast winds) and blizzards (heavy snowstorms) Floods (large amounts of water on dry land) and long droughts (times without enough rain)

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:23 PM
إجابة السؤال5
blizzards (heavy snowstorms

tornados (storms with strong fast winds)

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:26 PM
إجابة السؤال 6
by causing greater and greater physical damage to the human communities on earth

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:29 PM
إجابة السؤال7
yes,it does.
every change in climate in one part of the globe will bring more extreme changes in other areas.

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:33 PM
إجابة السؤال8 أعتقد (ولست متأكدة تماماً المعذرة )
In most places on the planet, the weather varies from season to season or even from day to day. In contrast, the typical climate is similar every year.

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 09:35 PM
إجابة السؤال 9
the global climate changes

بحر الأماان
11-04-2012, 10:18 PM
معليش أخووووي هذا اللي قدرت عليه للآن
السمووووحه إذا أمداني بحاول أحله لك

12-04-2012, 05:42 AM
شكرآ لك ماقدرتي الله يوفقك وأتمنى تحاولين في الأسئله الأخرى لأن هي الأهم والقطعه ممكن أنا أقدر على حلها تسلمين ماقصرتي