المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تكفون ابي مساعدتكم

كيمياء الذوق
01-05-2012, 06:08 PM
السلام عليكم
والله املي فيكم
تكفون طلبتكم ابيكم تساعدوني
ادرس بالجامعه وابي احسن درجتي بالانجليزي لاني ماتعديت درجه السقوط
تكفون ساعدوني
ابي براقراف او موضوع عن
1- انا شخص نشيط
2- افضل عشاء بحياتي

بليييييييييييييز لاتخيبون املي فيكم

01-05-2012, 09:04 PM

The best dinner in my life

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of a family dinner is unity as family members gather together to share a meal and their day's events. In the spacious kitchen, while Mom prepares dinner, she listens to her children chatting and laughing as they do their homework at the large mahogany table by the picture window that faces the bucolic back yard. They wait anxiously for their father to return home from work so they can eat their mother's savory dinner. This reminds Mom of herself as a blooming child sitting at the kitchen table smelling all her mother's delectable food and anxiously waiting her father's arrival while chatting and laughing with her siblings.
The kitchen has the essence of a gourmet restaurant at the height of the dinner hour. Aromas are sprinkling the air and tickling the noses of everyone it touches. It brings a sense of warmth and safety that envelops each child as if it were a blanket on a snowy day. The sound of sizzling meat and steaming bright colored vegetables pulls them in as if they were dogs being called by their master. The tantalizing aroma and sounds entrances the children's father as he greets Mom in the kitchen who is by now dancing to some funny song on the radio. The children are so excited to see him. They begin to bounce up and down like bunny rabbits yelling, "Dad is home! It is time to eat!" Their words ring like a bell in the Mom's memory bank. She remembers reciting the same phrases when her father finally came home. She was so excited not only to eat her mother's delicious meal but to also share with her father her day's events.
Finally, the family sits at the table together to enjoy the meal. that is The best dinner in my life

كيمياء الذوق
02-05-2012, 11:57 AM
شكرا لك ويعطيك العافيه
بس ليش رفض النسخ ابي احطة بموقع الجامعه

02-05-2012, 12:51 PM
شكرا لك ويعطيك العافيه
بس ليش رفض النسخ ابي احطة بموقع الجامعه

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