المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اسعد الله مساكم .... ممكن خدمة لغيري!!!

28-12-2012, 04:09 PM
مساكم الله بالخير

وكالعاده بغيت فزعتكم ي شباب .. اخوي ناشب اوووووووم النشبة في رسالة الماجستير وغاث اهل اهلي بطلبات الترجمة حقته

وزود ع كذه يبيها ترجمه احترافية بعد ..... شحاذ ويتشرط !!!!

الله يعافيكم بغيتكم تفزعون له بدعوه يخلص هالرسالة ويفكني من غثاه:smile (30)::smile (30):

وتساعدونه في هالقطعه تترجم من الانقلش للعربك ..... ولكم جزيل الشكر

وهذي القطعه عندكم عن التشخيص والقياس في التربية الخاصه

Top 6 Ways Student Progress is Measured in Special Education
Assessing Achievement and Progress
By Ann Logsdon,

Measuring student educational progress is important in developing and implementing instructional strategies and evaluating program effectiveness for your learning disabled child. Learn about the most common ways teachers measure student educational progress forspecial education programs, and gain valuable tips that will help you make educational decisions for his special education program.
1. Observation is a Helpful Tool to Measure Student Educational Progress
Observations can provide highly accurate, detailed, and verifiable information on student strengths and weaknesses. Observation may be:
2. Standardized Rating Scales Measure Progress in a Uniform Way
Rating scales measure positive and problem behavior, attention, the child's independence skills and other areas. This information allows the IEP team to:
• Determine how strong or weak his skills across settings;
• Measure progress or lack of progress; and
• Document performance over time in a reliable, valid manner.

3. Record Reviews Provide Comprehensive Information to Measure Student Progress
A third method of measuring student progress is the record review. In record review, information can be gathered from school cumulative records, school databases, information from previous schools, medical and mental health data, samples of student work accumulated in portfolios, and anecdotal records. Parents may also choose to provide important family history for health and social issues.
4. Criterion Referenced Testing Shows Student Progress in Specific Skill Areas
Criterion referenced tests measure specific skills a student has learned. They are not designed to provide scores for comparison to peers. Instead, they focus on specific skills within a subject area. In primary level basic math, for example, ability to recognize connections between numbers and quantities, addition of single digits, adding a single digit to a double digit, or other skills would be addressed. These tests provide specific information to teachers to design instruction for students' needs.
5. Authentic Assessment Measures Progress in Applied Skills
Authentic assessment rates students' performance on real world tasks. To perform successfully on these tests, students must know the subject area and be able to use that knowledge to perform problem solving tasks. Activities used in authentic assessments may include:
• Conducting research;
• Writing a news article, poem, or short story;
• revising and discussing papers;
• Performing an oral presentation based on a project or analysis; and collaborating with others
6. Standardized Achievement Tests Assess Reading, Math, Writing, and Content Areas
Standardized tests may assess reading, writing, math, and content areas such as social studies and science. They provide information on students' abilities in these areas. The advantage of these tests is that they tell parents and teachers how students are performing compared to others on a state or national level.

29-12-2012, 10:39 PM
تكفوووووووووووووووووووووو وووون يا عرب
:smile (75)::smile (75)::smile (75)::smile (75):

جابك زمانك
30-12-2012, 01:51 PM
شوف اخوي خلي اخوك يقرأ كل جملة ع رواقة وبيفهم المطلوب ...

وهالمقولة تتحدث عن طرق قياس التعليم الخاص للطلاب ..:small (392):

30-12-2012, 06:28 PM
والله ماعنده سالفة
كرتووووووووون في الانجليزي

مايفهم ولا يفك الحرف