المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : هـــات العلم ... هنا طلبك

03-02-2013, 06:24 AM
The most important food in Saudi Arabia is Kabsah. It is apart of Saudi culture .It is one of Saudi’s most famous dishes. People eat this dish for lunch or dinner

... There are three main things about kabsa, which are the ingredients, the cooking steps, and the way of presenting and eating. First, the ingredients consist of a chicken, an onion, a tomato, salt and spices, rice, cocking oil, and water. second, the steps start with cutting the onion, the tomato, and the chicken. After heating the cocking oil in the pot the cut onion should be added until its color become gold. Then, the tomato is added next, and should be fried for around five minutes. Then, the cut chicken should be added and fried for five minutes. Then, the chicken should be covered with water ,and then the salt and the kabsa spices should be added, it should be cocked for fifteen on medium high heat. After that, the chicken is taken out and put in the stove on 350 degree for fifteen minutes. Then, the rice should be added to the water “chicken soup” where the chicken is cocked, and the heat should be reduced to low for ten to fifteen minutes or until the rice absorbs all the water. Finally, the rice should be put on a big plate and the chicken in the middle, and start enjoying a very delicious food using the right hand and sitting in the floor.
Kabsah can be eaten with yogurt or salad. Kabsah is very delicious

If you have not eaten Kabsa, you have not eaten yet

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نواف الشهري
11-02-2013, 10:45 PM
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