المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ارجو من الجميع المساعده لنجتاز قياس .. اللي عنده معلومات لايبخخخب عن طرق التدريس

pink smile
12-02-2013, 12:49 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الله يوفقنا جميعاااااااااا بقياس

وباذن الله تكون الاسئلة سهله يارب

طبعا اسئلة التخصص زي ماشفنا بالنماذج جزء بسيط على القرامر

والباقي على methods of teaching & linguistics

واللي تخرج من سنييين مثل حالتي اكيد نسى linguistics :smile (30):

واللي مادرس طرق تدريس الانقلش ربي يعينه

بليز اللي عنده اي معلومه عن اساسيات linguistics

او يقدر يشرح لنا شي مبسط عنها واساسي لايبخل

خلونا نتعاون وباذن الله فالنا النجاح كلنا

غروده الحلوة
12-02-2013, 03:34 PM
انا عني راح ارجع لكتب الجامعه وادرس واذاكر من اول و جديد

pink smile
12-02-2013, 05:22 PM
المشكله الاختبار الخميس يعني مافي وقت نراجع كتب الافضل لو فيه ملخصات والاشياء المهمه

عندي كم تعريف جا بالاسئله راح اكتبها ويارب تستفيدون منه


Acoustic Phonetics studies the sound waves which travel in the air. صوتي
Articulatory النطق
Phonetics studies the production of speech sounds and
the way those sounds are made by the vocal organs
Auditory Auditory Phonetics studies the perception of
speech waves by the listener's ears and brain

Assimilation A general term in phonetics for the process by which a speech sound becomes similar or identical to a neighboring sound. In the opposite process, dissimilation, sounds become less similar to one another

Aptitude tests are designed to predict future performance in some activity. A common distinction between aptitude and achievement tests is that achievement tests measure what a student has learned and aptitude tests measure the ability to learn new tasks.
An objective test is a psychological test that measures an individual's characteristics in a way that is independent of rater bias or the examiner's own beliefs
Proficiency tests
Proficiency tests aim to measure students' L2 competence regardless of any training they previously had in the language. In these tests, designers specify what the candidates should be able to do to pass the test.
Achievement tests
Achievement tests assess whether learners have acquired specific elements of language that they were taught in the language course they took part in. There are two types of achievement tests: finaltests at the end of the course and progress tests during the course.
Diagnostic tests
• Diagnostic tests help identify learners' strengths and weaknesses in L2. Their main aim is to help teachers decide what needs to be taught to students.

Placement tests
• With the help of placements tests students can be placed in the learning group that is appropriate for their level of competence.
Direct tests: candidates are required to perform the skill the test intends to measure.
• Indirect tests want to measure skills that underlie performance in a particular task.

pink smile
12-02-2013, 05:22 PM
المشكله الاختبار الخميس يعني مافي وقت نراجع كتب الافضل لو فيه ملخصات والاشياء المهمه

عندي كم تعريف جا بالاسئله راح اكتبها ويارب تستفيدون منه


Acoustic Phonetics studies the sound waves which travel in the air.
Phonetics studies the production of speech sounds and
the way those sounds are made by the vocal organs
Auditory Auditory Phonetics studies the perception of
speech waves by the listener's ears and brain

Assimilation A general term in phonetics for the process by which a speech sound becomes similar or identical to a neighboring sound. In the opposite process, dissimilation, sounds become less similar to one another

Aptitude tests are designed to predict future performance in some activity. A common distinction between aptitude and achievement tests is that achievement tests measure what a student has learned and aptitude tests measure the ability to learn new tasks.
An objective test is a psychological test that measures an individual's characteristics in a way that is independent of rater bias or the examiner's own beliefs
Proficiency tests
Proficiency tests aim to measure students' L2 competence regardless of any training they previously had in the language. In these tests, designers specify what the candidates should be able to do to pass the test.
Achievement tests
Achievement tests assess whether learners have acquired specific elements of language that they were taught in the language course they took part in. There are two types of achievement tests: finaltests at the end of the course and progress tests during the course.
Diagnostic tests
• Diagnostic tests help identify learners' strengths and weaknesses in L2. Their main aim is to help teachers decide what needs to be taught to students.

Placement tests
• With the help of placements tests students can be placed in the learning group that is appropriate for their level of competence.
Direct tests: candidates are required to perform the skill the test intends to measure.
• Indirect tests want to measure skills that underlie performance in a particular task.

لاتنسوني من دعائكممممم وبليز اللي عنده ملخصات نقاط مهمه ينزلها ولا يبخل علينا

13-02-2013, 01:26 AM
مشكوره وجزاك الله خيرا

بلييز الي عنده معلومات عن طررق التدريس يفيدنا

13-02-2013, 09:40 AM
السلام عليكم

انا لقيت

Applied Linguistics
21 صفحه~ شامل

26 صفحه~اساسيات شامل

3chapters~ مختصره


هذه اللي حذاكرو وبس اكتر من كده والله معرف ايش ممكن اذاكر -_-''


بالمرفقات Applied Linguistics

13-02-2013, 09:45 AM

بالمرفقات ملف مضغوط

13-02-2013, 09:46 AM

بالمرفقات ملف مضغوط

قلب فولاذي
13-02-2013, 11:06 PM
ربي يسعدككككك

13-02-2013, 11:53 PM
يعطيكم العافيه

14-02-2013, 06:01 AM
applied linguisticsمختصره 15 صفحه

زي اللي رفعتها أول بس اللي عاملها مضيف ترجمه بالعربي..بس حرفيه تقريبا

عموما للي ماعندو وقت وبيراجع بسرعه يحمل الملف ده

موني سوسو
14-02-2013, 06:37 AM
السلام عليكم

انا لقيت

Applied linguistics
21 صفحه~ شامل

26 صفحه~اساسيات شامل

3chapters~ مختصره


هذه اللي حذاكرو وبس اكتر من كده والله معرف ايش ممكن اذاكر -_-''


بالمرفقات applied linguistics

الله يحرم وجهك عن النار ويجزاااك خير ويارب يوفقك وتنجحين

dreamy smile
14-02-2013, 06:49 AM
الله يعطيكم العافيه ويوفقنا بهالاختبار

14-02-2013, 11:25 AM
يااااااارب يسرها

14-02-2013, 11:52 AM
امين يا بنات الله يسرها

موني سوسو
آميين واياكي والمسلمين..
الله لايحرمنا الدعوات الحلوه دي يارب ^_^