المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : معقول في سعودي انجلش مافي احد يعرف يحضر وفق استراتيجية التفكير الناقد

01-03-2013, 07:47 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وبعد

معقول مافي احد يعرف يحضر درس من دروس الصف السادس الابتدائي وفق استراتيجية التفكير النقد في هذا المنتدى المخصص للغه الانجليزيه اين المشرفين اين المعلمين المميزين بصرحه صدمة لي الان اكثر من ثلاث اشهر وانا اطلب هذا التحضير مافي احد قادر يزودني به وللاسف انا عندي دبلوم انجليزي وليس بكالريوس لغه والبكا لريوس تخصص اخر الى من يهم الامر من مشرفين ومشرفات قائمين على هذا الصرح الشامخ في مجال اللغه نرجو من الله ثم منكم محاولة تحضير لو درس واحد من الترم الثاني وفق هذه الاستراتيجيه وفقكم الله جميعاً.

al shatha
01-03-2013, 08:19 PM
اهلا بك

زودينا بالطريقه المطلوبه و ممكن نساعدك
او انت ِ اذا اعددت هذا التحضير افيدينا فيه و لك ِ الشكر

07-03-2013, 12:23 PM
لو اني اعرف احضر بهذه الطريقه لم اطلب من احد
ولا الطريقه كذالك
هناك نماذج بنفس هذه الاستراتيجيه ولكن لدروس المتوسط والثانوي
سواء لغه انجليزيه اوغيرها من المواد الاخرى.
وانا اريد دروس الصف السادس

Her Majesty
08-03-2013, 04:20 PM
والله هذه اول مرة اسمع بهذه الاستراتيجة

أتمنى لو استطيع مساعدتك

01-04-2013, 08:51 PM
اول مره تسمع با ستراتيجية التفكير الناقد غير معقول
هذه الاستراتيجيه مطبقه من عام 1425هـ وانت اول مره
تسمع فيها . توجد نماذج محضره بنفس هذه الاستراتيجيه
Date: / / 14 H Lesson 2 Unit 1
Pp: 2-3 Title: The Story of Oil 2nd Year secondary school
1. anticipate what the reading passage is about.
2. tell the topic of a paragraph using the topic sentences.
3. link some reference words to what they refer to in the passage.
4. recognize the new words.
5. use the new words in sentences of their own.
6. read silently for specific details. Learning Objectives
The board, students' books, flash cards, PowerPoint presentation (if possible)
Teaching Aids
Butane, Include, Pure, Remove, Rot, Sink, Structure, Such as, Underground New Vocabulary

Creative Thinking Skills Worksheets
(if needed) Procedures:










Problem Sensation

Brain Storming




Worksheet (1)

Worksheet (2)

Worksheet (3)

** The picture on page 2 will be shown to the students for one minute. After that the title will be presented with some missing letters/ words [T-- St--y of - - -]. Students will be asked to complete the gaps in the title. They should be given 2 minutes to do this activity. (If they could not do it, a quick discussion of the title is recommended.)
** Students will be given 2 minutes to read the first paragraph silently. Then, they will write in one sentence of their own telling what the paragraph is about (2 minutes).


** Students will be given worksheet number 1. They are asked to substitute the underlined words with other words without effecting the meaning.

** Students will be given a group of reference words. They are supposed to find out what they refer to in some chosen context of the reading passage.

** Students will be given an activity where they need to choose the best word / phrase to substitute some underlined words which are new to them. They have to use the context to decide upon the right choice.

** Student have to come up with some sentences of their own in which they use the new vocabulary.

** Students will be given some questions that require them to read silently for specific details. The answers will be discussed orally.

** Student will be asked to try write down as many words that start with a ( C ) as they can in 2 minutes. The words should be included in the passage.

** Students will be asked to write down all the uses of oil that they can think of. (3 minutes)

** Students will be asked to write a paragraph in which they imagine our life without the presence of oil.

** (Oil producing countries are try to meet the growing demand on oil. They have been producing oil with extremely high levels. About 30 million barrel is being produced every day…………..)

Students will be asked to read the above lines and then think in between the line trying to figure out what might happen in the future if such production level is maintained. (Some students may sense other type of problems such as health problems, environment problems…..)

** Students will be asked to think of other efficient sources of energy.

** Think of other ways that can be used to explore oil.