المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : فضلا ليس امرا =)

خديجه بس
05-05-2013, 06:28 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اعضاء منتديات سعودي انجلش اتمنى منكم المساعده فضلا ليس امرا :.
تعبير عن قصه بالانجليزي 8 اسطر بالكثير
لعل الله ينفع بكم احبتي
دمتم ب ود

05-05-2013, 07:13 PM
My mother always taught me to never talk to strangers, one day my dad send to the super market with my little brothers to buy sweets and chips. but I didn't listen to my dad , and left my little brothers at our house door and I told them : stay here and don't go any where.I left them there and I went to super market alone , I bought the sweets and chips and on my way out , a man stopped me and asked where is mohammod's house is ? I pointed my finger at mohammad's house and I told him : that's mohammad house . the man said : where I don't see it ?? I told him: there !! than the man said : why don't you get in my care and show me the way to his house . I said : no , thank you . and I ran to my house when I arrived at our house I found dad at the door waiting for me and he was very angry for leaving my little brothers alone and started to yell at me,but before he finish his talk I told him about the man who wanted to go in his car and show him mohammad's house ,, and my dad hugged me and say : you are good girl for not going in the car but I mad at you for leaving your brothers alone.


Around the World in Eighty Days
This is an adventure story about an Englishman called Phileas Fogg. Fogg takes on a challenge to travel around the world in eighty days. To make such a journey in 1872 was thought of as a crazy idea. There were no planes, and trains
were a new invention. No one believed anyone could circle the world in eighty days. In the story however, Fogg plans his journey and studies the schedules for the trains and boats that leave the cities he is to pass through. He starts his journey on Wednesday, 2nd October at 8:45 p.m. He sails from London to Suez with no problems. Then, he goes through the four continents where he meets many new people. In India, China and America, he has many adventures and faces lots of difficulties. Fogg reaches London thinking that he has taken eighty-one days to finish the journey. However, he finds out that traveling from east to west has saved him twenty-four hours. Phileas Fogg has done what other people thought impossible


Long hair and short
In most countries, it is a custom for men to wear their hair short and for
women to wear it at any length. In Tahiti, however, a totally different custom exists. Women always cut their hair short up to their ears while men leave it long. They either let it flow over their shoulders or tie it on the top of their heads. It is also a custom for men to smooth their long hair with “monoe” coconut oil, mixed with flowers and leaves to give it a pleasant smell. Usually, only fishermen have short hair. They prefer to keep their hair short since they are continually in the water.


memorable day

One of my happiest memories is of my elementary school days in USA. I was nine years old when my family moved to America. I liked life in the United States and got used to it easily. However, I was always proud of being a Saudi national. One day, the school took us on a field trip to the John F. Kennedy Centre in Washington DC. The centre was full of interesting things to see. I listened carefully to what the tour guide and our teacher had to say about the exhibits. I wanted to get home and tell my family about the exhibits. To leave the centre, we had to pass the Hall of Flags. The guide told us that the flag of every country in the world hangs in this hall. Hurriedly my eyes searched for the Saudi flag. I simply stood under it and saluted it. My teacher and classmates were touched by my patriotism. They spent the rest of the day telling everyone how wonderful it was for a child to love his country so much. It was a memorable day indeed.


Sometimes friendship hurts
When I first met Khalid, I never expected we could become friends. We were so different. I was talkative and social while he was shy and quiet. So, when he took the seat next to mine in class, I thought to myself “What a bore”. As I got to know him better, I found him to be really nice, kind and patient. Soon, we became very good friends. However, after we both joined the school basketball team, things started to change. We spent hours practising together, but the coach liked the way I played better. He advised me to join the local basketball team. This aroused of jealousy in Khalid. He was not happy for me and started to embarrass me and hurt my feelings. naturally, I was very upset. A few weeks later, something happened that completely ruined our friendship. I was chosen to play in the national basket ball team. When my friends heard the news, they were all happy except for Khalid who was angry and said "You are becoming a real snob." Our team won the final game. Although everybody was happy and proud of our team, there was feeling of bitterness inside me. Months passed and I moved to a different school. I don't see Khalid any more, but I have much better friends now.


Special Children Centre
Today I would like to tell you about an experience that made me feel proud of myself. For the past year, I have spent every Thursday morning at the “Special Children Centre” with 25 handicapped children. I wanted to help these children live a normal life. I started teaching some of them to recite the Holy Qur’an. I had another group knit and sew. Some children worked on Islamic art projects. At first, we had few problems but soon things got easier. By the end of the year the children had put up their work for an exhibition. Everyone loved it. I am so glad that I used
my weekends to help others and please Allah.


Shadi is a new student. Most of the boys at school call him Shadi but some call him Rida. Shadi finds this strange so he asks a friend, “Why do they call me Rida?”. That’s because they think you’re Rida who used to be a student here. You have the same nose and eyes, and even the same curly brown hair. Rida now lives in Kuwait.” Shadi gets Rida’s address and sends him an e-mail. Rida writes back and sends his picture. Shadi finds that Rida does not only look like him, but he also has the same family name, birth date and the same parent’s name. Shadi discovers that Rida is his twin brother. They were adopted when their parents died in a car accident after they were born.

i love honesty
09-05-2013, 03:22 AM
شكرااااااااا على المجهود

09-05-2013, 11:11 AM

خديجه بس
10-05-2013, 07:35 PM
الله يعطيك الف الف عافيه مجهووود تشكر عليه وعسى الله ان ينفع بك =)