المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بليز ادخلو اختباري الأذنين

queen serenity
12-07-2013, 07:38 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مبارك عليكم الشهر والله يعينا على قيامه وصيامه
احسكم مستغربين اني اطلب بهالوقت
بس انا ماخذه ترم صيفي :smile (97):

بليز ابي أفلام مترجمه لهالفلمين مشاهده مباشره
واذا مافي عادي احمله تورنت بس ياليت يكون مترجم للعربيه بليييز
the heart of darkness by joseph conrad
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
وابي هالثيمات لكل روايه
Idealism - women - capitalism and materialism

Thanks :smile (97)::smile (101):

12-07-2013, 02:02 PM
الله يوفقك ويعينك صيفي و صوم وحر ... موفقه يارب

سأبحث عنها ولي عوده ان شاء الله

queen serenity
13-07-2013, 02:19 AM
شنسوي بنتخرج بسرعه
أمين الله يجزاك خير :(
نسيت اذكر زياده ثيم ال family

13-07-2013, 07:13 AM
بالنسبة للأفلام ما لقيت مترجم عربي للأسف ..

الجزء الثاني من سؤالك غير مفهوم بالنسبة لي لأني للأسف لست من خريجي الادب . لكن صديقي خريج أدب انجليزي بيفيدني بها ان شاء الله .

بس وضحي لي وش المقصود بثيمات خصوصا ؟!!

queen serenity
13-07-2013, 09:03 AM
إذا لقيت الافلام مترجم جه انجليزي عادي ينفع
الثيمات اذا قلتله كذا بيعرف مره معروفه الثيمات بالأدب
Themes in both novels the heart of darkness and brave new world
( family - capitalism and materialism - women - idealism )

14-07-2013, 05:42 PM

, "Electra in mourning for Orestes" from the New York Public Library Digital Gallery. It provides free and open access to over 700,000 images digitized from the The New York Public Library's vast collections, including illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, vintage posters, rare prints, photographs and more.


The novel that I have chosen to portray the theme of family love is “Step by Wicked Step” by AnneFine. This novel is regarding+ five British school children from Stagfire who shared their joys, sorrows and anxieties of their family life. It all begin when they arrived ahead of their classmates for a week-long field trip at "haunted' Old Harwick Hall. In the stormy wild night, Claudia, Pixie, Robbo, Ralph and Colin find a long-abandoned secret room containing a mysterious journal with the aid of flashes of lightning. They uncover a heart rending story of Richard Clayton Harwick, who runs away from the sinister influence of a loveless stepfather. This discovery triggers off each of them to reveal and share their own engrossing, heart-rending+ stories filled with hurting and healing moments way through a minefield of embittered or uncommunicative or just plain immature parents, insecure or reluctant step parents and resentful step siblings. The implied themes in this novel are revealed through the characters thoughts, speech, actions, reactions and what others say about them. Thus, based on this novel, I have chosen to write on Richard Clayton Harwick’s family members who have portrayed the theme of family love amazingly and dramatically through sense of love, devotion and loyalty.

14-07-2013, 05:42 PM
البقيه صعبت عليه زي مايقول .

queen serenity
14-07-2013, 08:58 PM
شكراً لك الله يسعدك ماقصرت