المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Need hELP

26-10-2013, 09:27 AM
assalamu alaikum

how r u? hope to be fine

i want to know the difference between these words:

it is better if you can to say it in arabic

● Ṡeяεиiτч . . ☆
26-10-2013, 12:11 PM
it is interesting to note that how people use these terms interchangeably and loosely all across.

authors didn’t help much there, anyway - they have put all the three under one heading: “Purpose/Goal/Objective” and give three different statements for each of those – which in most of the cases is impossible to differentiate from each other – at least for goal and objective.

This has triggered a lot of discussion with my colleagues students and clients. I thought of noting some of the outputs from these discussions (with all due credits to those who contributed with great ideas on this).

First, let us see some info I captured from that search – which looked logical to me, and in alignment with the outputs from the discussions I mentioned earlier:

A Purpose is a desired end result; The reason why the (process, project, role or whatever the purpose is being written for) exists

Goals are broad objectives are narrow
Goals are general intentions;
objectives are precise.
Goals are intangible;
objectives are tangible.
Goals are abstract; objectives are concrete.
Goals can’t be validated as is; objectives can be validated. (ref:)
Purpose is usually single, goals usually single or two. Objectives can be multiple statements – basically representing actions that will lead to achievement of the specified goal.

Example 1: I am deciding to start jogging in the morning from tomorrow (Not really, just imagine :-) )

The Purpose: To reduce my body weight to within ‘normal’ limits

The Goal: Reduce my body weight by 5 kgs in the next one month
(not sure if this is feasible or nonsense – again, hypothetical!)

The Objectives:

Jog for at least ’X’ km every day.
Jog at a minimum speed of ’Y’ kmph.
Jog at least for 5 days in a week

Now, from the above example,
the objectives are measurable actions that aligns with the goal that has been set, in the context of the overall purpose.

Example 2
( A more closer one to our subject):

Organization A is planning go for ISO/IEC 20000 certification.

Purpose: To enhance customer/market credibility and image.


Achieve ISO/IEC 20000 certification for the service management by August 2009
Demonstrate measurable improvement in the service delivery to customers from the initiative


For Goal1 :

Manage the complete certification initiative as a formal project, with an assigned project manager
Ensure planning and management of the initiative as a project with clear milestones, ensuring the completion of certification by August 2009
Ensure enough resources and capabilities are assigned and empowered to ensure successful completion of the project on time

For Goal 2:

Conduct a current state assessment and plan for measurable improvement areas and targets
Create a clear framework of metrics/KPIs and measurement mechanism
Focus on improvement actions within the initiative that will enable achievement of the metrics/KPI targets.

04-11-2013, 09:51 PM
اللهم صلِّ على سيدنا محمد و على آله وصحبه وسلم