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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Writing unit/2 help me

08-03-2015, 12:07 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
الله يسعدكم محتاجه الـwriting تبع الوحده الثانيه مين كتبها ؟؟؟
اتمنى من الجميع التفاعل ومساعدتي

حطموكـ ياقلبي
08-03-2015, 08:25 PM

Since I was a child, I love watching the sport of basketball. It is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone. It is also known as a good pastime in many people’s eyes. Basketball in my opinion the best thing I can do in my free time to have fun. One reason I love basketball is because you need only yourself to play the game or, you can play with your friends. I prefer to play with my friends rather than playing alone. Basketball is a great way to get your mind off things and is also a great way to express yourself. It is a sport that can work your whole body. Basketball is my favorite sport. It is known as a good pastime in many people’s eyes.

08-03-2015, 10:31 PM
الف شكر لك
الله يسعد قلبك ويجزاك جنات النعيم

15-03-2015, 11:51 PM
I love Skiing because it is fun . It includes one participant and skis to glide on the snow .It helps me to exercise in cold winter . The first thing you need to do is to put on your ski boots and shake brake outside . Next , go to the top and bend your knees .Then , go down the slope . Finally ,Keep your weight in the correct place to prevent falling . Skiing is an easy sport once you ski welll .

17-03-2015, 12:23 AM

23-03-2015, 09:42 PM
جزاك الله كل خير وبارك الله فيك

28-03-2015, 12:36 AM
الف شكر للجميع ماقصرتوا أسعد الله قلوبكم وجمل حياتكم بالطاعه والرضا وراحة البال