المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : التعابير

29-11-2015, 05:27 PM
ارجو المساعده وين ألقى نماذج لتعابير المنهج ياليت اللي عنده رابط يرسله:smile (78)::smile (78):

30-11-2015, 11:16 AM
حبيبتي انت حددي التعبير عن ايش وخلي البنات يكتبون ويجيبون لك وانت خدي منهم الاحسن
انا مثلا حددت تعبير عن الاجاز وكيف قضوها انا عن نفسي تعبير واحد فقط

Endless Hope
30-11-2015, 08:05 PM
ما اقتننع اعطيهم تعبير واحد فقط .
احسه حرام

30-11-2015, 08:18 PM
صدقتي والله واحد غير انه حرام فين جهدك واعتقد المعلومة اذا جات بتهاون و تساهل تقابلها لا مباله واستهتار

هذا رأي

وفكرة اكتبي في قوقل اي شي تحتاجيه ولخصي الموضوع واستخرجي له افكار عامة وبعدها اعملبها ك خريطة أو جدول


شذا الورد
30-11-2015, 08:38 PM
المفروض من بداية الترم البنات كتبوا المواضيع والايميلات اول بأول وانتي صححتيها ورجعتيها لهم
حتى لو مستوى الطالبات ضعيف صدقيني يطلع منهم بالذات لما تشرحي الموضوع او الرسالة النموذج الي في الدرس و تتناقشي معهم الافكار المطلوبة في الموضوع الجديد وتلخصيها على شكل نقاط على السبورة عشان تكون واضحة للكل وعلى فكرة كل التعابير المقررة في المنهج مو جديدة عليهم اخدوها في ترافلر الي قبله او منهج متوسط
المفروض ما يقل عن 4 مواضيع وتكون المحددة في المنهج ما تجيبين خارجي

02-12-2015, 05:11 PM
لا مستحيل احدد واحد دربتهم على كم درس بس ابي اطلع على نماذج الكتاب والا مافيه !

نقطة بداية
05-12-2015, 04:05 PM
وانا محتاجه التعابير بعد
اللي عنده ياليت يساعدني الله يجزاكم خير

الود طبعي*
13-12-2015, 10:24 AM
اذا فيه تعابير موجودة لا تبخلو علينا
نناقشها مع بعض

14-12-2015, 07:51 PM
تعتمد على مستوى الطلاب

أبو رغد الجنوبي
14-12-2015, 08:32 PM
رفعرفع للموضوع

نا يف
18-12-2015, 06:01 PM
:smile (28):

Endless Hope
20-12-2015, 10:27 AM
Unit 1

Writing an email

Dear ………………………,

How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you for offering to stay at your house. I can’t wait to come to London. This trip is going to be a great opportunity for me to practisemy English and learn more about England.

Spending few days near the beach sounds good. I’ve heard loads of nice things about it and I enjoy swimming. Unfortunately,I don't want to go to the match because I am not into sports. So, don't buy a ticket for me.

Anyway, I’m sure we’ll have a great time together. Say hello to everyone in your family.
Best wishes,

Unit 2

Writing an article

Have you ever been to Makkah? Did you see Al-Kaaba? In Makkah, there is the purest place in the world. There is the Holy Mosque where Al-Kaabah is. The purest place in the world where any Muslim would like to visit.

Last month I visited the Holy Mosque .On the first day, I performed Al-Umrah for the first time in my life. I circled Al-Kaabah seven times and I walked between Al-Safaa and Al-Marwa seven times too. I drank Zamzam water and I took some with me. In the second day, I spend a lot of time and prayed inside the mosque. I read Qura'an and asked Allah for his forgiveness.

On my last day, I spent a long time in the Holy mosque and asked Allah to let me visit this place again. I was overcome with a feeling of bittersweet sadness at having to leave that magical place.

One of the exciting things I liked their, there were a lot of people from all over the world who visited the Holy Mosque to perform Al-Umrah and prayed. I saw different people from different countries. All of them were happy because they were in Makkah.

Finally, Makkah is the place which is full of joy and peace. It is the most peaceful feeling you can feel all over the world. It is the place where you feel comfortable. It is the best place you have to insist on keeping visiting it through your entire life.

Unit 6
Destroying a park to build a parking garage

A parking garage is any building that is designed for the purpose of parking multiple cars. It has many advantages and disadvantages.

Parking garages are built in places where there is a need for a large amount of cars to park at the same time. Moreover, they are useful to the cars to be protected from the sun and rain. They can be built in a wide variety of places.

On the other hand, there are certain drawbacks to this building in the park. It shows a total lack of regard for the needs of children who enjoys playing in the park.

To sum up, building a parking garage is very essential in many cities. However, another site should be found instead of destroying the park.

26-12-2015, 07:54 PM
جزيتم خيرا ...بس ياريت تنزلون بعد تعبير يونت 5 الرساله

17-05-2016, 10:18 PM
جزاك الله كل خير وبارك الله فيك

30-12-2016, 04:42 PM
thanks for all

08-01-2017, 01:53 AM

08-01-2017, 01:55 AM

09-01-2017, 12:05 PM
الله يعافيك