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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : correct me

28-02-2005, 08:46 PM
I have divided the mark put what should i do with the phonics

01-03-2005, 06:36 PM
My supervisor came today and told me that thier will be final oral exam for all three level of 5 marks and for the phonics she said that I should inclod them in my work sheet and revision only until the meeting in Safar for the mid term exam
now I can breath

03-03-2005, 04:02 PM
والله ما ادري وش السواة

ولا فهمت كيف توزيع الدرجات

والاختبار من كم؟

والتقويم متى؟

والشفوي متي


انا ذهب
03-03-2005, 04:24 PM
درجة المشاركه من ( 5 ) درجات ومعروف على اي اساس تحتسب.اما التقويم المستمر يتم بشكل دوري يعني كل يوم او كل اسبوع وتوزع عليه الدرجات من ( 5 ) يقيم فيها الطالب على مستوى قرائته وفهمه للنص المسموع او لاي سؤال يطرح عليه من المعلم.اما الشفوي فيتم في اخر الفصل الدراسي وقبل الاختبارات النهائيه وتكون له لجنه ويحدد له تاريخ محدد ويكون من ( 5 ) درجات ويشمل جميع المنهج.اما الاختبار الشهري فهو من ( 10 ) درجات.وتبقى ( 25 ) درجه هي درجات الاختبار النهائي.

15-03-2005, 06:54 PM
I really thank you due to your seriousness. You asked for correction, but before that, let me correct some of the mistakes which I came across while reading your document:
(1) You had better write one title instead of two in order to avoid confussion
(2) every day is adverbial but everyday is adjective. Therefore, you had better say eveyday life not every day life BUT you can say I read English every day [B]not [/B
Re writing, the word spelling is correct, but "spilling" means flowing over something especially of a container.
Again, the word "handwriting" is one word so do not sperate it.
Finally, the word "continues" a verb, but continuous is an adjective so you can say continuous evaluation.

Concerning the phonics, you can test through reading or isolated words.

Listen, we commit Millions of mistakes because we are human beings, and this is what is meant by To err is human. I am really so sorry if turned your cheek pink (emarrassed you(

Bye! xpert

02-04-2005, 12:04 AM
السلام عليكم

انا ذهب صحيح ما كتبته في توزيع الدرجات لكن الامتحان الشفوي مافيه لجنه واختبار هو مثل التقويم المستمر باي وقت تقدر تضع الدرجه يعني ماله وقت محدد
خمس درجات مشاركه
خمس درجات شفوي وهي مثل التقويم المستمر يعني مافيه اختبار شفوي مثل ما كنا نعتقد بالبدايه
واتمنى ان كلامي واضح

02-04-2005, 08:01 AM
Mr. xpert
Thanks for ur lovely comments
But these are some of the mistakes U have committed

Confussion confusion eveyday everyday
Sperate separate emarrassed embarrassed