المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اختباااراستماع

03-01-2017, 05:46 PM
اختبـــــــــــــار الاستمـــاع للصف الأول ثانوي الــدور الأول ( النظام الفصـــــلي)

1-Listen and compelet

-There are ( one –three – two) sisters.

Their mother opens the door and( smiles – angry – cary ) at her tired daughters.-2

3-The two sisters are hungry and ( angry - thirsty - happy).
4-They have a -------------- drink of fruit juice ( cool -hurry - hot ).

2-Listen and underline the word:.

Wishful – money – blessing – complaint- speech – book – people

نص الاستماااع

Two sisters are walking home.It is getting late. They have spent several hours at a friend’s house. They were all doing their homwork together and they forgot the time.Now they are very hungry and thirsty and quite tired too.It is Ramadan.They haven’t eaten or drunk anything since dawn and now it is late in the afternoon.The girls walk faster. They really must hurry. They mustn’t be late or their mother will be angry.At last they reach their house. Their mother opens the door and smiles at her tired daughters. “Oh , there you are !” she says. “you look worn out!go and wash yourselves quickly” .A few moment later they hear the call to prayer. They have acool drink of fruit juice and say their prayers

02-10-2017, 10:23 AM