المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اختبار الوحده 5/6/7

وداد الروح
27-03-2018, 10:53 PM
Name:……………………………………… ……… Class:….
1- I`m ( interesting - interested - interest ) in English.
2- My bag is ( expensive - expensive - more expensive ) than Nada`s.
3- How ( much - many - any ) eggs do you need for breakfast?
4- I`d like ( some - any - an ) sugar.
5- They ( visited - visit - visiting ) her friend yesterday.
6- It`s her recipe. It`s ( her - hers - his ).
7- I don`t want ( some - any - an ) garlic.
8- How ( far - long - much ) is it from Jeddah to Riyadh?
9- Nada is ( short - shorter - shortest ) than Lama .
10-When ( was - did - were ) you born?
Circle the odd word:
a- Woolly - hat - leather - paper
b- Pineapple - banana - orange - potato
1-She bought a blue woolly short coat……………………………………… ……………………………………..
Write the past simple of these verbs
1-watch……………….. 2- die…………. 3- study……………. 4- like………………..
Write the comparative
Smart………………. good………….. scrafy………………. big.……..………
Match the words with pictures
1- raincoat 2- skewer 3- coach 4- seatbelt 5- lamp

………….. ……….…… …………….. …………….

17-04-2018, 08:43 AM
أخت وداد الله يعافيك عالمجهود

بس يا حبذا ترفقينه بمستند وورد