تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : خاص (معلمو ومعلمات اللغة الانجليزية)

ابو ساجدة
22-04-2007, 11:13 PM
الزملاء الكرام
ان بصدد دراسة ولدى استبيان اتمنى مشاركتكم فى الرد على هذا الاستبيان وهو عن دور اللغة الام فى تعلم اللغة الاجنبية ز اسال الله اكم المغفرة وحسن الخاتمة على تعاونكم معى وان شاء الله اعدكم بنشر نتيجة الاستبيان على هذا الموقع لتعم الفائدة والاجر للجميع باذن الله
يمكن تحميل الملف المرفق والرد عليه واساله عى بريدى مع التقدير
Appendix C

Questionnaire for teachers

Questionnaire on the use of Arabic Language in the English classroom.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to find out more about attitudes towards L1 use in the English language classroom and will be used in for research purposes only. Please tick the relevant boxes blew:

1- Should Arabic be used in the English classroom?
Yes  No 
2- If you think it is necessary to use Arabic in the English classroom, why?
a-It is more effective. 
b- It aids students` comprehension. 
 c- It less time-consuming.
d- It helps students feel comfortable. 
3-When do you think it is appropriate to use Arabic in English classroom?
a- To explain complex grammar points. 
b- To define new vocabulary. 
c-To explain difficult concepts. 
d-to practice the use of new expressions or phrases. 
e- To give instructions. 
f-To help students to learn more effectively. 
g- To check comprehension.  h- To give confident. 
i- Others. (Please specify)…………………………………… ………………
4- How often do you think Arabic should be used in English classroom?
a- Never. 
b- Almost never. 
c-Sometimes. 
d-Frequently. 
f- Only when necessary. 
5- Do you ever use Arabic in the English classroom?
a- Yes, always. 
b- Yes, often. 
c- Yes, sometimes. 
d- No, almost never. 
e- No, never. 
6- Do you think the use of Arabic in your English language classroom helps students learn English?
Yes.  No. 
7- I often Use Arabic language in my classes because it:
a- raises student's motivation 
b- raises student's participation. 
 c-meets student's abilities
 to feel confident. helps the student d-
e- other  ( specify)…………………………………… ………..
8-Do you think using Arabic in English classroom hinder understanding, and using English language in communication? a- yes  b- No  c- other 
9- Arabic language is actually interferes in English language teaching and learning because:-
a- students actually think in their first language. 
b-students depends on their first language for comprehension. 
c-students understand, acquire and use English as foreign language through their mother tongue. 
10- Please add any comments on the use of Arabic language in the English classroom. ………………………………………… …………………
………………………………………… ………………………………
………………………………………… ………………………………
11- How long have you been teaching English? …………….. years. 12- Are you male or female teacher?

Male  female 