تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مساعده لو تكرمتوواا :)

04-05-2007, 03:42 AM
السلا111111111م عليكم

كيفكم ان شاء الله بخير

ولا عليكم امر ابي منكم خدمه ياليت الي عنده خبره ما يبخل علي :neutral:

ابي اسوي presentation

لكن مدري اذا صح ولا لا الله لا يهينكم ياليت تشوفون الاخطا :frown1:

The Arabian horse is a breed of horse with a reputation for intelligence, high spirit and beautiful appearance. It belongs to the Arab World. Throughout history, Arabian horses from the Middle East spread around the world by both war and trade. They are one of the oldest horse breeds. The fact says that there is no equal for the Arabian horse. Nowadays, horses are been used for entertainment and racing, still the Arabian horses attracts more fans.
The Arabian horse is the most beautiful horses of the world..
horses skin is soft and it is covered with short hair except for the neck area were it is covered with long hair.
Describtion of Arabian horse;
Small Cape
Wide eyes
Agility and speed
Intelligence and love of learning
devotion for owner
this photos for horses from several countries .appear more difference

The horse colours
Brown, black, gray, white, chestnut,roan and dun
These senses in horse are distinct with sharpness and they are more improved than ours; add to that, horses have a sixth vague sense ,witch man doesn't have
The walk of a horse the known walks for a horse are four
walk_normal walking
trot_;moving the right legs together once then moving the left legs together once again
pace_ organized running
gallop_ running fast
I hope to be skilled in riding horses and I would love that but the marvel thing is that I'm afraid of getting close to it.

انتظر ردوودكم :19:

والسموووحه اذا مو هذا القسم المناسب :marsa37:

05-05-2007, 01:36 AM
صدقة جاريه :19: