المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اللي عنده فكرة عن طرق التدريس يساعدني

أحب بلادي
13-05-2007, 06:56 PM
أرجوكم لمن لديه قدرة على الكتابة باللغة الإنجليزية يساعدنييييييييييييييي أنا في ورطة ...
الدكتور أعطانا واجب في مادة طرق التدريس فاللي عندو خلفية عن المادة بلييييييييز يساعدني ويجاوبلي على ذي الأسئلة:
1- Do you belive that there is one best method of teaching English as a foreign or second language? why or why not? Explain with examples .
2- In your point of view, which approaches or methods we have studied would be effective in teaching English as a foreign language in the public schools of the kingdom of saudi and which are not? Backup your opinions with examples>
3- what did you learn from this courseand how would it help you when you become an EFLteacher in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

13-05-2007, 07:45 PM
1.there is no one method universal and eternal.there is no evidence that one method is more
useful and effective than any other coz they vary
2.I think the most effective method is the eclectic approach or method coz teachers who use this method don't follow any single method but they use a selection of techniques. this method to TEFL has many advantages . It is more flexible and can be adapted to suit a wide variety of teaching situations. Its biggest advantage is that the teacher is less likely to become fixed in one single method and more likely to keep an open for new techniques and approaches.

أما السؤال الثالث اسمحيلي it is your own opinion

هالمعلومات حنا درسناها الترم الاول غريبة مأخذتوها. عالعموم اتمني اني ساعدتك

أحب بلادي
15-05-2007, 07:22 PM
thank you sooooooooooooooooo much
الصراحة احنا ما اخذنا شيء في المنهج بس أعطانا الدكتور 13 واجب ويبغانا نسلمها كلها وماني عارفة كيف راح أحلها؟ الإختبارات على الأبواب والوقت ضيق واحنا مو فاهمين شيء الله المستعان....:124: