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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : التعليم النظري في السعودية ابدي رأيك

14-05-2007, 12:28 AM
The Traditional Education in Saudi Arabia

As elementary ,junior-high and high school students, we used to memorize what was given to us. Our teachers highly depended on the theoretical education and as students, we never applied or practiced what the teachers gave us .In fact , we were not prepared to be practical students , but to be dumb memorizing students. I remember that we pathetically became parrots when we had exams. It always comes to my mind the picture of the teachers who underlined what we should memorize and then I realize that we were victims of such educational system. We were not encouraged to think and to question everything. We were not prepared to express our ideas and opinions. What makes me sad is the continuation of this old bad system and this makes me afraid of the continuation of the sleepy generation, of the living dead generation. The theoretical education can make our country one of the growing countries forever, producing problems like the superficiality of the generation , economic problems and ,brain drain .

Nowadays, practical education is considered to be the passport to the technical world and it creates creative thinkers and scientists in the advanced countries. In our world, the theoretical education creates superficial generations, generations with no responsibilities towards the improvement of life. Generations with simple minds and superficial analysis .we hardly convince our opponent and we struggle to prove our opinion which we strongly hold on. It is a pity that we are not taught to look at life in a scientific way and that every opinion and idea should be tested. Our children have no spirit of challenge in the scientific fields, they concentrate on useless things. The theoretical education teaches them that the apple falls from the tree and this causes the existence of the term ''gravitation''. Do they really know what ''gravitation'' means? Do the teachers show them the scene of the apple when it falls from the tree? They are prepared to be recipients and to accept silently whatever they learn without questioning. They should know the meaning of "I think, therefore I am".

Education and economy are two sides of one coin . the strong economy of any country is reflected by its educational system. It is not strange to say that the theoretical education is one of the main reasons that keeps the country to be one of the growing countries. Depending on such educational system, the country lacks adequate experts in the economic as well as the scientific fields. As a result , we become highly dependent on the foreign experts who do not have the same sincerity towards the country as its citizens. Moreover, economy is effected by the way that the theoretical education produces students with no required specializations and who ,later on, will become a burden on the country. This kind of education does not make a productive country. We import and use what other invent without even knowing how these inventions work. It is the result of the way we were brought up. We were brought up to ignore the need of improving life and so we become dependent on others who are productive . we have inventors , but the ministry of education , that does not care about the importance of the practical education, let them live in the dark and let their inventions be unknown .Had they let the students and people be aware of what their citizens invent , the results would be different. I really want to know where the theoretical education is leading!

Do you ever hear of brain drain. Of course ,you hear of it a lot times in your life if you are an easterner. This problem is dominated in the eastern world and especially in the Arabian world. However, statistics says that 45% of Arabian students who study abroad ,decided to stay there. Moreover , a recent study shows that the Arabian countries lose 200 billion riyals every year because of this problem. What makes the problem more serious is that many of the students study very important subjects such as microsurgery, nuclear physics, nuclear medicine, laser science , electronic engineering and human engineering. Finding that the educational system, that depends on the theoretical education, appears as an obstacle in their academic life, many students prefer to travel abroad where they can live in an intellectual environment. This is an evidence that our universities and the theoretical education do not serve their demands and needs. It also shows that we ignore the importance of the practical education.

The theoretical education is useless since it creates the problems that we have discussed above. It is not our ambition to look forward to the past whereas many countries look forward to the future. The theoretical education effects badly our economy and it creates unemployment among young people. So, it should be excluded and replaced by the practical education in order to have a new generation with new and creative ideas.

Please provide my feedback coz I'll give it to the doctor tomorrow. Please , let me know if there is any mistake. Thanks.

14-05-2007, 07:13 AM
You are absolutely right
Using new teaching strategies is highly recommended
Using media and media centers also is highly recommended


14-05-2007, 01:19 PM
.thanks doctor , I appreciate your comment

. What about teachers

14-05-2007, 01:20 PM
we want to know their opinions

English Lover
15-05-2007, 09:34 PM
thanx so so so much

we need this topic

16-05-2007, 08:11 PM
I wrote about it coz I still suffer from this problem in my academic life

It is a personal experience I should reflect real reality

محمد عوض
12-12-2007, 09:56 PM
Hey Iam an English teacher I always discuss with my students the suitable way of teaching tomake them understand easily Iuse the new technical aids education in Saudi arabia completely changed