المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Cultural differences

22-06-2007, 01:24 AM
We live in a small world, but each side of this world is very different from the other.
For example, USA is not like Saudi Arabia not like Japan and so on.
In Japan, there are many rules, which Americans do not even heard about it …
This is one of the stories happened to the American couple who live in Japan.
One day the couple –Smith and his wife Anne-was invited to Masayuki house –Japanese family- but in this short dinner visit, they did many things considered as huge mistakes in Japan culture.
First tip was about taking off their shoes .they did not know that they were supposed to take off there shoes when entering a Japanese house.
Second tip was they did not know they were supposed to arrange them so they'd be pointing toward the door.
The third mistake the couple did was about gifts.
Anne and her husband knew they were supposed to take gift to a Japanese home .But Masayuki and Yukiko seemed a little shocked when the American couple pulled the present out of a plastic bag and said "We thought you'd like this CD,it is rock & roll" .In fact they must not say any thing about the gift …..Just give it to your hosts….the second thing was the gift it self …it was not really an appropriate gift.
The fourth mistake was about the food…they had trouble eating row fish ….the poor Smith finished his dish but his wife could not, so she left it half-eaten and that, again, shocked the Japanese family because it is impolite to do that.
The funniest one was when Masayuki asked them to drink again .The poor couple thought it wouldn't be polite to say no, so they accepted drinking again and again .finally they felt that they were absolutely full and had to leave. In fact, they had to refuse gently from the first place, otherwise they could there drinking all night!!

Therefore, learning peoples cultures help the others so much to avoid falling in mistakes like this.
I wish you liked my topic

Best wishes

22-06-2007, 01:41 AM
That's why it's important to know about the customs and traditions of other countries especially if planning to visit one in order to avoid being in such situations

No matter how other customs seem different or new to us, we have to repect them :)

Thanks alot Pearl for your continuous participation in the club

Wish you all the best


Palestinian Pearl
22-06-2007, 02:24 AM
Surely we liked it too much

many many thanks my dear sister

wish you all the best

your sister,

22-06-2007, 01:53 PM
Dear Assolah

I really enjoyed reading your opinion

thank you sweetheart for sharing it with me


22-06-2007, 01:57 PM
My loveliest sister
thank you honey for your nice words

wish you all the best

24-06-2007, 01:58 AM

Learning others culture doesn't only help us not to fall in mistakes

It helps us get closer to others easily and to acquire new experiences in life

Thanks sweetie for this rich topic

القلب الساهي
24-06-2007, 02:20 AM
asalam alikom

it is a perfect story showed the differences between culturals
it shows also that the Japanese more polite than American


روعة العمر
24-06-2007, 04:40 AM
very nice topic

thanks dear

24-06-2007, 08:39 AM
thanks very much for the nice topic

24-06-2007, 04:17 PM
Learning others culture doesn't only help us not to fall in mistakes

It helps us get closer to others easily and to acquire new experiences in life

and it also shows the others that we_as ARAB_are good people >>>>>not like what they think about us :angry2:

thank you honey for sharing this with me :36_3_9:

glade to read your reply:146:

24-06-2007, 04:28 PM
it shows also that the Japanese more polite than American

honestly..........you are right 100%
>>>>>>I hope no one from US read that:blow:


thank you القلب الساهي

for sharing your opinion with us

hope you all the best

24-06-2007, 04:32 PM
Dear روعة العمر

Thank you sister for your passing

very happy to read your reply sweeti

24-06-2007, 04:36 PM
library 2

I am happy that you like it

accept my best wishes:196:

Wiill Vandom
24-06-2007, 04:59 PM
oh my dear M.G that was really a nice topic
thanx for sharing it with us

One of the things that I do like is knowing
more about different cultures

24-06-2007, 07:37 PM
ohhhh...........look who is her my best friend wiile

.nice to see you here again

:23_11_54[1]:I miss you soooooo much here in the forum

thank you sweeti "wiilie" for your nice passing

:36_1_67[1]:and as usuall I am waiting for your amazing participation

Accept my regards