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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Intoduction To Literature

06-01-2008, 09:06 PM

What is literature ?

It has two meanings ….

The old meaning is : any written form …. like letters because there is not much written forms before.

Contemporary meaning :

fictional (imagine)
poems - novels - short stories
essay real story biographies outopiographies

Literature related with beauty Fiction is : A genres of literature .
Novel : very long story .
Novella : A littlepit shorter than novel .
Anecdote : A short didactic story .
Fable : A story that does not have human .


Basic Elements Of Fiction :
1. Plot : (The events of the story ) it is the arrangment of actions
taking place in the story and it consist of : exposition , rising action
climax , falling action , resolusion.


exposition rising climax falling resolution
action action

Exposition : The part of the plot shown important events , characters
and themes . ( not always shown in the 1st paraghraph ) .

Rising action : The sequence of events that makes the situation more complicated and lead to the climax .

Climax : The highest point of intrest or intensity >> when the story
becomes very intrest and intensity it means that is the climax .

Falling action :changes in the story that help resolving the conflict .
Resolution : the end of story .

Plot StructureTypes of linear plot :
1. Chronological order ( start in the beginning of the time until the end).
2. Flash Back ( starg in the end ).
لاتنسوني من خالص دعائكم

06-01-2008, 09:14 PM
3. In the Mdia Resc ( start in the middle of things ) .

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
What is the conflict ?
It is a struggle between two powers / forces and there are several
kinds/types of conflict .

Types of conflict :
1. Internal conflict ( man against him self )

2. external conflict ( man against man )
( man against society )
( man against nature )

1. Character : Representation of a person in a work of art .

a. protagonist: The main character in a story . can be flat
b. antagonist: The 2nd character in a story . or round

Flat Character : a simple character that doesn’t change and has one
sided personality .

Round Character : a character that goes through changes and has
a complex personality including mixed emotions and conflicting motives
and loyalities .
2. Sitting : Place and time in a work of art which reflect social
background , mod of the work .

3. Point of view :
1st person point of view the narrator who participates in
the story and relates/tells the events of the story from his own point
of view.

3rd person point of view 3rd person objective .
3rd person omniscent .
3rd person limited .

* Objective means: A narrator who relates / tells the events with no additional comments and doesn't get into the minds of the characters.

* Omniscient means: A narrator who sees everyone and every thing not only out side but also inside the minds of the characters.

* Limited point of view means : A narrator who knows about some of the events and can get into the minds of some of the characters.

Irony means :
1. verbal : when you say something and you mean the opposite .

2. irony of situation : it is contrasting between what is expected to happen and what realy happened.

4. Style,tone, and language :(attitude of the Author/narrator ) or ( the voice of the Author )
formal , informal , imaginative, simple , serious , straight forward
hard , judgmenal tense …. etc .

5. Theme : A main idea or a unifying subject in a work of art .

6. Symbolism , allegary , and image :
Image : sensory impression used to create meaning or feeling in a story.

1. visual imagery images of sight .
2. audio\ oral imagery images of hearing .
3. olfactory imagery images of smell.
4. tactile imagery images of taste.

07-01-2008, 02:49 PM
لاتنسوني من خالص دعائكم

ام بسمه
09-01-2008, 07:33 PM
I really don't know what to say
You are such a sweet person
Thanks for your efforts my dear Manal

09-01-2008, 08:19 PM
بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله كل خير

*as u like*
10-01-2008, 10:01 PM
جزاك الله كل خير عن كل حرف كتبتيه وجعله في موازين حسانتك يارب ,,,

والله ردوك ومواضيعك كلها فايدة ,, وهذا اللي لاحظته ,,, الله يزيدك ,,

11-01-2008, 12:13 AM
تسلمون كلكم ذوق ما قصرتوا