المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : هــــــل هـــذا صـــــــيـــح !!!؟؟؟

just jojo
09-01-2008, 10:28 PM
ابي منكم خدمه ارجو انكم تلبيها نخيتكم
انا كتبت محادثه وابيكم تشوفها صح واذا فيها اخطاء ساعدوني واهم شي من ناحيه القرامر

المحادثه عن التحيات والاجتماعات

hi jojo

how are you

i am fine and you

i am good

did you go to college today

yes idid

what you take from lectures ماذا اخذتي من محاضرات

we take ......and....and lsting and speking

what you take in lsting snd speking

i tak in this lecture a bout greetings and meetings

tell me a bout this

ok their are to kind for cinforisshen formal and informal in offic we must ues formal language and whan
you toking to your brother or sister we ues in formal language we take also avrey country he have special greetin for exampel in soudan just hug and in saudi shke hand

oh this lecture was injoey

yes shore

هذي الكلمه معناها محادثه بس عشان الاملاء لااكثر cinforisshen

وشوفولي تصريف take اذا كان صح

واذا في اخطاء املائيه صححولي نخيتكم لا تهملو موضوعي الله يسعدكم دنيا واخرها

واذا عندكم اي ايضافه اكون شاكره

10-01-2008, 12:41 PM
Hi jojo

how are you

I am fine and you

I am fine thank you

Did you go to college this morning

Yes I did

What did you take in the previous lectures

We took listening and speaking

what did you have in them

Our lecture was about greetings and meetings

? Can you tell me moreabout the lecture

Of course . There are two kinds of conversations formal and informal
When you are in your work you should use formal language.
But when you want to talk to your brother or sister you must use informal language.
Also , we had talked about different greetings for each country, for example, the special greet in Sudan is a hug and the special greet in Saudi Arabia is shaking hands.

It was very interesting lecture, was not it?

Yes, it was

محادثه Conversations
ان شاء الله صح >> .. تمنياتي لكِ بالتوفيق

10-01-2008, 12:58 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ماشاءالله عليك اختي دانا ما قصرتي بس فيه شي بسيط
Did you go to college yesterday ?
وبدل كلمه greet تكون greeting

ان شااءلله افدتكم :)

10-01-2008, 01:11 PM
the special greeting in Sudan is a hug and the special greeting in Saudi Arabia is
shaking hands.

بارك الله فيك

the master
10-01-2008, 01:27 PM
Hi jojo

how are you

I am fine and you

I am fine thank you

(اذا كان اللقاء في نفس اليوم )Did you go to college this morning
yesterday (اذا كانت المحاضرات بالامس)

Yes I did

?What did you take

We took listening and speaking

what did you have in them?

It was about greetings and meetings

? Can you tell me moreabout them

Of course . There are two kinds of conversations , formal and informal
When you are in your work you should use formal language.
But when you want to talk to your brother or sister you must use informal language.
Also , we talked about different greetings for each country, for example, the special greeting in Sudan is a hug and the special greeting in Saudi Arabia is shaking hands.

It was very interesting lecture, was it?

Yes, it was

ان شاء الله اكون وفقت

وشكرا لكماا


just jojo
10-01-2008, 08:53 PM
ا الـــــف شـــكرا لــكي دانا ولـRJ_330 ولـthe master ولاحرمتكم وجزاااكم الله الجنه عسى الله يوفقكم وين مارحتم والله دعوه من قلبي

وشكرا مره ثانيه