المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : _<ابي مدرس او مدرسه لتصحيح >_

15-01-2008, 04:14 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركآته

آول مره اتجرى وآطلب خدمه في منتدآكم الجبآر يآليت تنفذوون طلبي

انآ حآلين آدرس في معهد في استرآليآ والوقت آكيد بيننآ مختلف وعندي قطعه وطلووبه في الآختبآر ولآزم تكون صحـه 100 عشآن آعــدي :sad:

في:36_16_2:هآ ضيع مستقبل وخرآب بيووت

فيآليت وآحد من نجوومكم الموجودين في المنتدي يتكرم ويصحح لي وا يضيف بعض التعديلآت

يآرب اني آحصل اي شخص في المنتدي ذآ يوقف مـعي في اللغه ذي لين التخرج والله شآيل همهآ

يآليت ترسلو التصحيح على الآيميل لآني بكون في المعهد وبآخذه منك ومآ آقدر آدخل الآ على ايميل بس

وبرضه الي مستعد يوقف مـعي ويتبننآ بس مجرد التصحيح لي لآن معهدنآ يعتمد على الرآيتنق والتعبير ذبحونآ فيه

بسم الله
Dear Dany

Thanks for your letter! I am very happy that your are going to visit my country let me tell you about the places I recommend.

If you want to have a good holiday in mountains, I would recommend my favorite place, Shafa. It is many tall trees. Also it has many tourists go there. It has many hotels, and excellent apartment nearby and cheaper. The mountains is very big and beautiful. It is very clean and wonderful for mountain climber. It is very good for ran or walk. The weather is very nice and rain.

You asked me about what clothes and equipment to bring. If were you, maybe the weather is cold. I would pack and some t-shirts and shorts. It may get much cold at night, so bring a sweater, raincoat and sweater too. Also It is good idea to bring a pair of walking boots. Do not forget your sunglasses for sun in the morning and your camera, the scenery is so beautiful, and perfect for photography.

I hope that you will enjoy yourself in Shafa. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.

Best wishes,


15-01-2008, 04:22 PM

15-01-2008, 06:54 PM
Dear Dany

Thanks for your letter! I am very happy that your are going to visit my country let me tell you about the places I recommend.

If you want to have a good holiday in mountains, I would recommend my favorite place, Shafa. It is many tall trees. Also it has many tourists go there. It has many hotels, and excellent apartment nearby and cheaper. The mountains is very big and beautiful. It is very clean and wonderful for mountain climber. It is very good for ran or walk. The weather is very nice and rain.

You asked me about what clothes and equipment to bring. If were you, maybe the weather is cold. I would pack and some t-shirts and shorts. It may get much cold at night, so bring a sweater, raincoat and sweater too. Also It is good idea to bring a pair of walking boots. Do not forget your sunglasses for sun in the morning and your camera, the scenery is so beautiful, and perfect for photography.

I hope that you will enjoy yourself in Shafa. If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line.

Best wishes,


تعبير معدوم بقوة يا رجل وش ذا المعهد الي يعلمكم تكتبون كذا
انصحك اول شي تفهم استخدام اللغة وبعدين فكر في الكتابة

the master
15-01-2008, 07:00 PM
اخي كاوي

لن تستفيد لو احنا الي كتبنا او صححنا لك التعبير

لازم تعتمد على نفسك لكي تكون جدير بشهاتك

وانت في بلد اللغة الانجليزية حاول تحسن من مستوى كتابتك وتركز اكثر

اتمنى لك التوفيق