المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : help me please?ساعدوني

19-06-2005, 06:06 PM
السلام عليكم
انا عندي نصف مشكلة انا ادرس سادس انجليزي والحمد لله كلهم ناجحين بس المشكلة ان بعضهم نجح بالحظ لانهم مايعرفون يقرؤن انجليزي انا صحيح علمتهم كلهم صح والدليل ان نسبة 70 بامائة منهم يعرف يقراء كويس وهذا يرجع لمعرفتهم للحروف ونطقها لكن ومثل ماتعرفون ان الانجليزي يحتاج الى طالبة مجتهده تذاكر يوميا وش اسوي علشان اخلي كل الفصل يعرف يقراء حتى لو ماذاكر في البيت لا والادهى والامر ان بعض البنات وفقا لما نصحوهم خواتهم الكبار ان يكتبون بطريقة الانجليزي المعرب يعني كلمة( no )يكتبون فوقها( نو) وانا نصحتهم كثير بس مافي فائدة انا راح انجن اذا مالقيت طريقة ناجحة علشان الكل يعرف يقراء احيانا لما اتذكرهم احس اني فاشلهloser :(

Prime Rose
19-06-2005, 10:18 PM
مساء الخير مون..

أولاً هلا فيك في سعودي انجلش..


إذا مثل ماتقولين 70% اتقنوا القراءة فمعناته انك اديتي اللي عليك.. الطالبات عندهن فروق فرديه ماتخفى على اي وحده منّا والسهل عند هذي ممكن يصير معقد عند الثانيه..هم الآن مازالو صغار وعلى السنه الحايه بيرجعون يدرسون كل الحروف والأرقام من الأول ومعناته بيتقوون أكثر في اللغه.. انت أديتي اللي عليك ومو مطلوب منك ان الكل يصير عارف للإنجلش!!يكفيك من الصف 50% يعرفون يقرون ويكتبون!!

على السنه الجايه حاولي تدخلين أناشيد على صفك أو قصصد صغيره بالإنجلش حتى يحبون الماده أكثر.. أحكي لهم قصه وبعدين ارجعي احكيها بالانجلش والله يوفقك دوم يارب..


20-06-2005, 08:29 AM
Do not be disapointed 70 % accuracy is excellent result.
But the topic I wii add may help:
The Phonics Game Is The Best Solution For All Four Problem Areas

The Phonics Game provides the intensified phonics approach to reading that is best for all children and adults. The game format makes learning fun while stimulating full brain activation during the learning activities. The logical sequence of neurolinguistic instructional components leads to rapid learning. Most children are reading confidently after only 18 hours of instruction.

The pregame phase of the program uses the same procedures used by speech therapists to teach the formation and discrimination of the 44 phonics sounds. Once the sounds are mastered, the card games teach all one needs to be able to be reading easily, efficiently and with enjoyment.

The visual matching process used in playing the card games, trains the brain to "see" the individual sounds correctly. This provides an excellent technique for compensating for visual reversals.

An additional tape for teaching spelling skills along with the additional Comprehension Game benefit all children but are especially helpful for children with language problems.

The Phonics Game is an incredible learning tool. In a matter of hours, your children will be reading and spelling better than you ever imagined. Fun, yes! But The Phonics Game is also a complete, systematic, and explicit phonics teaching program for people of all ages! The package Includes: 3 Video Tapes, Play Book, 7 Audio Tapes, 6 Double Deck Card Games, Sound Code Chart, Mirror, Reading Selections, Stickers, Pad & Pen, Game Plan Calendar.

The card games cover all the rules of phonics and when to use them. In no time, your children will be sounding out words easily and fluently. In as little as 18 hours your child can be reading at or above grade level. Young children like it because it's a fun game. Older children and teenagers like it because it makes school easier! Excellent for children and teens with ADD or Learning Disabilities including Dyslexia.

Reading skills enable readers to turn writing into meaning and achieve the goals of independence , comprehension , and fluency .

Reading skills are specific abilities which enable a reader
• to read the written form as meaningful language
• to read anything written with independence, comprehension and fluency, and
• to mentally interact with the message.

Here are some kinds of reading skills:
• Word attack skills let the reader figure out new words.
• Comprehension skills help the reader predict the next word, phrase, or sentence quickly enough to speed recognition.

• Fluency skills help the readers see larger segments, phrases, and groups of words as wholes.
• Critical reading skills help the reader see the relationship of ideas and use these in reading with meaning and fluency.

Developing word attack skills is necessary to help beginning readers and writers become independent and fluent.

Word attack skills are the ability to convert graphic symbols into intelligible language.

Check this site out

