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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : العشـــــــــــم فيكم كبير..

براءة السحر
11-03-2008, 12:42 AM
مســـــاكم خير...

لو سمحتوا الدكتور في الدراما طالب منا نسوي مقال عن miracle , mystery and morality

طبعا هي 5 برقرافات البرقراف الاول مقدمه والاخير خاتمه كالعاده
والثلاث برقرافات عن البودي

بحثت وحاولت اجمع بس اني عجزت افهم ياليت احد يفيدني لو بشي بسيط..

والعشــــــــــــــــــــ ــم فيكم كبير..

ومشـــــــــــــــــكورين مقدما..

براءة السحر
11-03-2008, 01:02 AM
اوه نسيت اقول انه طلب تعاريفها والفرق بينهم..

براءة السحر
11-03-2008, 09:47 PM
افـــــا مافيه احد يقدر يساعدني؟؟؟

12-03-2008, 05:08 PM
mystery and miracle plays
as the 14 th century began,drama was free of church control, and plays were performed by lay persons from the craft guilds
which were called 'mysteries' to satisfy the growing public demand , the guilds constructed elaborate pageant wagons as stages
for their cycles of plays.
content:the subject matter was still religious mystery plays (based on the bible)and miracle plays (based upon the lives of saints )were
the only dramatic fare.
cycle of plays: to celebrate corpus christi day , craft guilds presented plays to crowds that remained in place as the pageant wagons
rolled to each station . appropriate, the goldsmith guild performed the three wise men bearing gifts, the carpenters, noah's ark and
the bakers and brewers , the last supper.
surviving cycles: although these cycles were performed in about 125 british communities in the 14 th and 15 th centuries, manuscripts of
complete cycles servive only from chester, york, wakefield, and the unknown 'n' town

اتمنى مااكون تأخرت عليك

12-03-2008, 05:23 PM
morality plays: were allegorical sermons with simple plots, using characters to personify such abstrractions as beauty , glattony, virtue, and vice . professional actors were used to perform these plays.
every man :in the best known of the morality plays, the character every man (representing all humankind)is summoned by death to the day of judgment. every man tries to find a companion for his journey, but all forsake him . only good deeds goes with him into the grave and
helps present his case . the play is intensely dramatic as every man is deserted by fellowship, kindred, goods , etc.
and became increasingly terrified.

12-03-2008, 06:10 PM
the elizabethan theater, influenced by the classical traditions of roman and greek dramatists , traces its roots back to local religious pageants performed at medieval festivals during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries . town guilds, organizations of craftsmen who worked in the same profession, reenacted old and new testament stories . the fall of man, noah and the flood david and goliath, and the crucifixion of christ,
church fathers encouraged these plays because they brought the bible to a largely illiterate audience . some times these spectacles, called
mystery plays, were presented in the market square or on the church steps, and at other times actors appeared on movable stages or wagons called pageants, which could be wheeled to a given location. as mystery plays bacame more popular, they were performed in series over several days, presenting an entire cycle of a holiday -the death and resurrection of christ during easter,
related to mystery plays are morality plays, which developed in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries . unlike mystery plays, which depict scenes from the bible morality plays allegorize the christian way of life . typically, characters representing various virtues and vices struggle or debate over the soul of man . every man ,
the best known of these plays , dramatizes the good and bad qualities of every man and shows his struggle to determine what is of value to him as he journeys toward death.

براءة السحر
14-03-2008, 01:18 AM
مشكـــــــــــــــور يعطيك الف الف عافيه
ماقصرت وجزاك الله الف خير