المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : syntax

13-03-2008, 10:11 PM
هلا بالجميع

اعضاء المنتدى

ابي مساعده
في syntax

بصراحه اللي تدرسنا شرحها صعب مره

ياليت احد يحط شرح مبسط كذا او اي معلومه استفيد منها
عارفه اني ثقلت عليكم :smile (84):

*as u like*
16-03-2008, 05:23 PM
انا اول مرة اخذ هذي المادة في هذا السمستر ,, وبصراحه مااشوفها معقده او اي شي ,,,

اخذت منها 3 محاضرات ,,هذا اللي اقدر افيدك فيه ,,,انا حاسه فيك كم ماده ابغى اتفوق فيها وتكون عندي معلومات بس مااعرف كيف ,,

باحاول اساعدك بمعلوماتي البسيطة وان شاء الله احد يفيدك اكثر ,,


*as u like*
16-03-2008, 05:30 PM
+ is a branch of science which deals with the different ways in which words are arranged to from complete and correct sentence.

::The sentence::
+Is a group of words that expressing a complete thought or idea.

::The word ::
+Is the smallest unit of speech that can stand alone .
Sara played football
(s) (mine verb) (o)

(noun or pronoun)
+it's the person who or the thing that perform the action or the event .
# note:
+The subject always come before the mine verb.

+A word or a group of a word that describe the action or the event.

::The Object::
(noun or pronoun)
+ it's describes a word in a certain position .

+Any name ( people, animal,..etc)

*It's a word that can be used in a pleas of noun .
*It's a word that we can put it instead of the noun .

*as u like*
16-03-2008, 05:32 PM
+It's a word that describe or added something to the meaning of the verb .
*Relative clause:
+It's a part of a sentence that has a verb init and joined to the rest of the sentence .
+A group of words that lacks (without) >> noun or verb.
>> noun and verb.
*Noun phrase:
+It could be >> a single noun.
>> a group of words contain noun or pronoun .
*Verb phrase:
+A group of word that include the mine verb.
*The relation between the verb and its subject:
+The verb must agree with its subject "in the number and the person"
+The teacher goes to school.
+The teachers go to school.
We change the S from singular to plural the verb also will change .

*as u like*
16-03-2008, 05:34 PM

*The Modified :
+ A word or a group of words that describe or change the meaning of the head word .

*The Adjective :
+ A word that describes a noun .

*The position of the adjectives :
1) Before a noun . ex." I drank a hot tea"
2) After a linking verb . ex. "the tea is hot"
3)After the object. ex." I drank the tea hot"


*The difference between the form and the function :
+The boy killed the lion.
+The lion killed the boy.
+ The boy in the two sentence have the same form but a big different in the function .
+In the first one it's the subject but in the second one it's the object.

*as u like*
16-03-2008, 05:36 PM
وهذا اللي اقدر اقول اني استفدته من الثلاث محاضرات اللي درستها ,, الاسلوب اتوقع مرة بسيط اللي لخصته فيه ...

وياليت اكون افدتك ....واذا كان عندك اي سؤال او اي شي في اللي طتبه ياليت ماتترديين ,,,

وبالتوفيق يارب ,,

16-03-2008, 11:55 PM
مشكورة اختي
صدقيني انا ادري ان الماده سهله
بس اللي تدرسنا مصعبتها لابعد حد
يعني تشرح من كل فقره نقطه وتبينا نعرف الباقي
الله يهديها

بنت عز
22-05-2008, 05:46 PM
والله انا كمان اخذها السمستر هذا وصراحة مرة صعبة
اللي يقدر يفيدني والله راح اكون شاكرة له

happy girl
24-05-2008, 08:09 PM

صرااااااااحه الماده هذة رح تجنني:smile (98):

مرررررررررررررررره صعبهههه

تعقد صرااااااااااااحه انا اتعقدت من الدكتوره شايفه نفسها زياده عن اللزوم :smile (70):

مصعبتهاااااااا علينا وكمان اسئلتها معقده

باليت الحد يقدر يساعدنااااااااااااا :smile (30):

شكراا اختي ع طرح موضوع زي كدا :girl face (196)::girl face (196):

Try To Reach
13-06-2008, 01:40 AM
جزاكم الله خير اختي

as u like