المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عندي درس تعاوني نموذجي شوفوا تحضيري

17-03-2008, 12:42 AM
عطوني رأيكم في التحضير

Period Date Class

1-SWBAT identify neighboring countries correctly.
2-SWBAT ask "What country is it?" without mistakes.
3-SWBAT answer "Where is he / she from?" without mistakes.
4-SWBAT learn to share ideas, check each other's
Understanding, encourage and thank each other in CGL.

Pupils book – board –flash cards- real objects-
map of Saudi Arabia - another map without names of countries .

*Anticipatory set:
Warming up: greeting pupils / hand puppet of Ali introducing himself, Ss will follow.

Revision: ask about the day /date / check HW / quiz.

Set readiness: jigsaw speaking CGL >>> " am / from / I / Saudi Arabia."

Stating objectives:
قال الله تعالى "وجعلناكم شعوباً وقبائل للتتعارفوا"
Today in lesson 13 ,we are going to enjoy working together and learn about other countries.

*Instructional input:

New Words: Qatar – Oman – Kuwait – Bahrain – Emirates – Yemen – Jordan – Iraq.

New Structure: "What country is it ?"
"Where is he / she from?"
"He / She is from…"

1-I will demonstrate the map of Saudi Arabia and its neighboring countries , then I will point to Saudi Arabia
And say "Saudi Arabia " I will write it on board . I will have pupils repeat it then I will say "It is Saudi Arabia"
"It is my country" . I will point to the other countries and say "These are countries" .
2- I will ask pupils to join me on a journey to visit the neighboring countries and learn about them.
3-I will point to each country on the map and say "This is….." and pupils will repeat ,and then I will write
it on board.
Pupils will use the flashcards to name the countries on the empty map

4-I will model "where is Ali from ?" "He is from Saudi Arabia", and pupils will repeat.
In groups pupils will do a worksheet

5-I will give each group information sheet about each person in the lesson to study and discuss , then they
Will have a match quiz in a CGL.

*Checking for understanding:
Choral Response: She is from Qatar .
Individual Response: Where is Saleh from?
Signal Response: point to countries on the map.

*Guided Practice:
Notebook p(( 12 ))

*Home work:
Work Book p(( 52 ))

Handwriting .

احلى حلا
17-03-2008, 02:03 AM
التحضير رائع جدا
ونا جبت الأعلام ولبستها الطالبات وسألتهم where is she from؟ ويجاوبون على حسب الأعلام وممكن تعملي مشهد بسيط بينهم المملكه والباقيات صديقاتها او جاراتها
والله يكون في عونك وطبعا لا تنسي اوراق العمل لكل هدف لازم يتحقق الهدف

مــلك الحرف
17-03-2008, 10:59 AM
تحضير رائــــــــع

الله يعطيك العافيه

17-03-2008, 02:27 PM
يعطيك العافية اختي ...

تحضيرك رائع ..

الله يوفقك في درسك ان شاء الله

Mr jamal
18-03-2008, 11:31 AM
well prepared lesson

:smile (40):n
:smile (40):

Mr jamal
18-03-2008, 11:33 AM
بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله كل خير

كل الحنان
19-03-2008, 08:58 PM
برافو عليك غاليتي تحضيرك رائع... الله ييسرلك

تقدرين تخلي البنات يلبسون لبس كل دوله ويعرّفون عن دولهم..
