المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : please I need help

نورة only
18-03-2008, 11:35 PM
[SIZE="4"] السلام عليكم .. وش أخباركم.
مالكم في الطويلة أنا عندي طلب وأبغاكم تساعدوني إذا ممكن:smile (87):

أنا ادرس في الكلية ومطلوب مني أكتب Essayوالمشكلة إني أكره هذي المادة:smile (56):

وعشان كذا قلت ما فيه إلا أنتم ,, :smile (97):

المطلوب إنكم تكتبون لي narrative عن المواضيع هذي:

1- I was so glad when I heard a key n the front door. Looking after the baby had been very hard work- much harder than I had expected

2- The members of the search-party sat down to rest in a small clearing in the wood. After two sleepless nights they had at last found the missing boy. He was sleeping peacefully under a tree only half a mile a way from his home[/SIZE

please help me. And do not forget me:smile (87):

نورة only
21-03-2008, 01:06 AM
مومعقــــووووول 16 اللي دخلوٍوٍ

ولآأحد تكرٍم ورٍد علينا:smile (97):

ع العمـــــــــــوم مشكوورين وماقصرتـــــووو ....

حـلـم انـسـانـه
21-03-2008, 03:02 AM
I think it is so difficult and needs much time but I will try

My sister asked me to look after her two years old son because she wanted to go to Hajj and she can not take him with her

I was worried because I didnot have experience in looking after children.On saturday morning my sister left to Makkah and asked to be a mother for Sami.

Sami was very naughty and his best hobby is breaking vases.

On last week,I was very busy and could not make care Sami

No problem ,He was playing and his voice is loud.Suddenly ,I did not find him and found the door was open.

I shouted Sami Sami where you are and there is no answer.I went out to search for him but I didnot find him .I had have idea ,I decided to call police .I came back home fast .While I was talking to police officer,Sami entered with his football.I apologized to the man and hug Sami and I was so glad .

After few minutes , I knew he was playing football and his ball fell off the window and he went out to bring it.

When my sister came back home ,I asked her to take her son when she wants to go to any place and does not leave him again.

نورة only

I have tired from writing :small (338):.I hope you like it:smile (96):

I hope from the members to correct the mistakes if there are :smile (49):

21-03-2008, 04:01 AM
حنين الوطن ماشاءالله عليك الموضوع حلو بس الواحد مع الحماس تصير عنده بعض الاخطاء والتصحيح كتبته بالcapital مثل :

and asked ME to be a mother
i could not TAKE care of sami
his voice WAS loud
and THE door WAS open
where ARE YOU ?
BUT there was no answer
THEN i had an idea..

على فكرة انا كتبته بالحروف الكبيرة عشان ابين التصحيح لكن المفروض انه ينكتب بال

حـلـم انـسـانـه
21-03-2008, 02:35 PM
يعطيك العافية tootiii استفدت منك الكثير

تقبلي مروري

على فكرة وينك ياصاحبة الموضوع نورة only بس تعبتيني :smile (64):وسهرتيني الليل وانا اكتبلك:smile (97):هههههههههه لاتزعلين امزح:smile (35):

English Lover
21-03-2008, 04:38 PM
حنين الوطن

قصة رائعة وتشد لاخر لحظة

اما سامي الله يصلحه :smile (91): هههههه

والف شكر على التجاوب الرائع

جزاكِ الله خير


لكِ الشكر موصولا ً على المتابعة القيمة

نورة only
16-04-2008, 12:54 AM
فديت عمرك يا حنين الوطن و toti والله يعطيكم العافيه , اعذروني ما قدرت أرد لأني كنت مشغوله إلى شوشتي.

ومشكورين مره ثانية وطبعا ما انسى English lover والله يوفقكم

16-04-2008, 02:29 AM
اختي حنين الوطن .
موضوعك جداً رائع . كذه الناس ولا بلاش (ان الله في عون العبد مادام العبد في عون اخيه)