المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : 4 أسئله خطيره تعالوا وروني فيها كيف تفكيركم يامبدعيين

همي رضى ربي
16-05-2008, 01:12 AM
4 أسئله خطيره تعالوا وروني فيها كيف تفكيركم يامبدعيين
I have 4 questions and I want you give me the answer and tell me why o.k
بصوا أهم شي ليش هههههه عندي امتحان بالسبت وابي اسمع اجوبتكم عشان اذا جواب منها اعجبني يصير جاري التشليح واللطش هههههههه ابي اشوف كيف تفكيركم بليزززززز
ياويله اللي ماتقول والله احس ودي اسمع اجوبتكم وكيف انتوا تفكرون مررررررررررره ودي ههههههه

يله نبدأ

if you were engaged to be married and your fiance
had a horrible
accident and be come paralyzed would you go on with the marriage?and why?

if you were told that you are going to die in a week what would you do ?

if killing innocent person meant the end of all wars and poverty in the world would you kill this person?

If cutting off your small finger meant you would be immune from all serious diseases would you do it and why?
الله يخليكم فرجوني اجوبتكم وافرجيكون ههههه

همي رضى ربي
16-05-2008, 01:22 AM
ابي رد بلييييييييييييييز لاتطنشووووووني تفكوون داخله على الله ثم عليكم

همي رضى ربي
16-05-2008, 01:34 AM
بليييييييييز حدى يرد

انفاس السوسن
16-05-2008, 02:13 AM
صراحه اسالتك شلت تفكيري.......
بس فعلا تستاهل الرد احم احم
اول شي ايوه اكمل زواجي لانو الزواج هو صبر ع السراء والضراء
بعدين ايوه اذا قتلي لشخص بريء ينهي الحروب اقتله ليش لا؟
بس يكووون برضاه وفناعه منه ع العموم يااااما ابرياء قتلوا وما صار شيء يعني وقفت ع البريء اللي بقتله انا؟؟؟؟؟؟
واذا انا بموووت خلال اسبوع اش اسوي؟
اكيد براجع حساباتي وبصلح اخطائي
واذا كان لقطع اصبعي الصغير فايده فانا مستحييل افرط فاصبعي حبيبي
لان الامراض بيد الله
هااا يا عسسسسسسسل استنى ردك لا تطولين علي

16-05-2008, 07:11 AM

if you were engaged to be married and your fiance
had a horrible
accident and be come paralyzed would you go on with the marriage?and why?

sure. cuze it's my wife means my soul that I live in

if you were told that you are going to die in a week what would you do ?

I would take the week off work. Spend time with my friends and family. Do things ive never done before
Possibly commit a crime... lol
if killing innocent person meant the end of all wars and poverty in the world would you kill this person?

I wouldn't do that, whether innocent or not
If cutting off your small finger meant you would be immune from all serious diseases would you do it and why?

No. I don't want to do that. It's a small part but I have to believe in what ALLAH has written for me.


nice questions

همي رضى ربي
16-05-2008, 12:24 PM
يسلااااااااااااااااام انفاس السوسن واااو ردودك تدل انك طيبببببببببببببه

اخوي هذا اللي فوق وااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااو اجووووووووووبتك بالظبط نفس اجوووووووبتي
god bless u

17-05-2008, 07:05 AM
if you were engaged to be married and your fiance
had a horrible
accident and be come paralyzed would you go on with the marriage?and why?
this depend upon him if he really loves me i will sacrifice for him and do every possible thing to help him
if you were told that you are going to die in a week what would you do ?
i want my mother and father to forgive me and every person i commit any mistake to him
and ask my God to forgive me for my default
if killing innocent person meant the end of all wars and poverty in the world would you kill this person?
if you are that person or any one of your family would you agree
but no way that i wo'nt kill him under any circumstance
If cutting off your small finger meant you would be immune from all serious diseases would you do it and why?
no this is my finger i can't abandon it
but as what jejysoul said:
i have to believe in what ALLAH has written for me
همي رضى ربيthanks alot

17-05-2008, 02:49 PM
if you were engaged to be married and your fiance
had a horrible
accident and be come paralyzed would you go on with the marriage?and why?
I don't think so ,, because if he became paralyed then what is the purpose of this marriage
It will be one purpose only which is mercy!! then it wouldnt be a successful one

if you were told that you are going to die in a week what would you do ?

I would pray day and night

if killing innocent person meant the end of all wars and poverty in the world would you kill this person?
Yes if so , I would do it , though it's hard

If cutting off your small finger meant you would be immune from all serious diseases would you do it and why?If it's approved scientifically , yes why not
It would be like the immune injenction

فراشة صيف
19-05-2008, 08:19 AM
4 if you were engaged to be married and your fiance
had a horrible
accident and be come paralyzed would you go on with the marriage?and why?

if you were told that you are going to die in a week what would you do ?

if killing innocent person meant the end of all wars and poverty in the world would you kill this person?

If cutting off your small finger meant you would be immune from all serious diseases would you do it and why?

Yes I well marry him for a simple reason
me if you want him to leave you
if you
were in his place?

I will spend my time with my family
And I will eat pizza and ice cream every day

Are you talking to Me??
No I don’t think so but I don’t mind
If some one else did it

How could you ask me why?
Its my baby finger