المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : جزاكم جنات الخلد ساعدوني......

23-05-2008, 07:05 PM
What are the values you learned geowing up?

How did you learn these values?

What is more important being happy?

You have an elderly parent who is no longer strong enough to live alone. What would you do? (talk about a hypothetical situation)

Imagine that won two million dollars. What would you do with the money?
(talk about a hypothetical situation)

List five ways where you use science and technology in your daily life.

What concerns you? Discuss the plan you can make to address this concern.


1.progress in science and technology can make life easier. Explain.

2.progress in science and technology can make life more difficult. Explain.

3.How do people ruin the environment?

4.How can you protect your environment ?

5.How can stress affect us physically?

6. How can stress affect us psychologically?

7.what are the warning signs that indicate that we have reached a dangerous level of stress?

:smile (97):جزاء الله خيرآ من أجاب على هذه الأسئلة وحقق الله أمانيه ورزقه الله بلذة النظر إلى وجهه الكريم ولذة الشراب من حوض نبيه محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم....

(إن الله وملائكته تصلي على معلم الناس الخير) في مامعنى حديث النبي الكريم...

23-05-2008, 10:38 PM
أنا جاوبت على آخر أربعة أسئلة, إن شاء الله باقي الأعضاء يفيدونك في الباقي..

4.How can you protect your environment ?
By using environment-friendly products.
Spreading environmental awareness.
Planting more trees.
Recycling used products.

5.How can stress affect us physically?
It causes us to feel tired all the time.
It may cause some people to act violently.
It affects one's health.

6. How can stress affect us psychologically?It makes us feel worried all the time, even when there's no need to worry at all.
It prevents us from focusing on many important matters.
It stops us from going on with our lives.
It can affect our relations with others.

7.what are the warning signs that indicate that we have reached a dangerous level of stress?
When we get mad easily.
When we lose concentration and start making mistakes.
When we start judging people and things wrongly.
When we lose the ability to eat or sleep normally.

طبعاً الإجابات هذي قد لا تكون دقيقة مية بالمية :smile (87):