المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اختباري بكره ولازم تساعدوني....

البرنسيسه نونا
26-05-2008, 07:54 PM
يالطيبين ابي منكم مساعده ضروووووووووووري بكره عندي اختبار writing واختكم للأسف ماتعرف تكتب مقال وصفي فبليز ابغ شخص يكتب لي لو مقدمه بس عن وصف شخص او مكان عشان اعرف كيف تركيب الجمل وكيف نبدا كتابة المقال الوصفي بليييييييييييييز طالبتكم ....وووووووووووووووأ:smile (97):

26-05-2008, 09:54 PM
My Favorite Place

One of my favorite places to relax is my room. When I am in my room, I feel most relaxed. In the room, I read books and letters, think something, and take a nap.

My apartment has three rooms. My room is a shared room, but just three people live in my apartment, so I use one room only for me. My room has two beds, one shelf, and one chest. It is simple, but very comfortable.

In my room, I love to read letters from my family. When I get a letter from them, I go to my room and read it. Sometimes, their letters are very fun, and I laugh alone in my room. Sometimes, I answer their questions to myself. It is a most relaxing and happy time for me.

I also love to read books. I have some books both Japanese and English. When I have free time, I read from my books. I read some fairy tales in English. Sometimes it is too difficult for me, but I enjoy reading.

I like thinking about things. When I am reading a book, I often go into my own world. However, it is my problem that I often go into my own world when I am studying. I think about books, my own problems, and so on.

I like take a nap, but usually I don't have enough time, so I have a nap rarely. Sometimes, I lie down on my bed and just think. I also read books on my bed. It makes me so relaxed.

I like to do all of those things in my room. Those things make me so relaxed. My room isn't very large, but I love it there.

وللمزيد من النماذج والمقالات الوصفية زوروا الرابط التالي


البرنسيسه نونا
26-05-2008, 10:54 PM
الله يعطيك مليون عافيه بصراحه لمن فتحت الرابط لقيت اشياء مره مفيده شكرا لك :girl face (192):

26-05-2008, 11:31 PM
الله يعافيكي

والحمد لله انك استفدتي


27-05-2008, 02:00 AM
اختبارك اليوم الله يوفقك

ان شاء الله انه كان حلو

English Lover
27-05-2008, 02:05 AM

مشكور على الرابط المفيد