المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Essay للاخت Fahd-rashed

08-06-2008, 06:42 PM
the man cannot live alone in this world.because he has more feelings that he wants to express about it .so he needs to a friend in order to express about any thing he wants.in order to live in peace. so any one has more social relations with other people.he maks these relations by aids.
first,by school and university.he makes a friendship with the others in these places .and he should keep it as good relations.he should treat them in agood way to live in peace with them.
also, he can express about his feelings, emotions and his problems to his good friends . his friend will help him and keep his secrets . so, this is the resault of his good relations.
in addition to that , his relations which com from his travells into different places around the world. in these relations he can express about his country and his religion in agood way.
but the most important relations are the human relations with GOD.he must pray to GOD and obey him in all his orders .because he is our creator....
::smile (40):):
هذا المقال مساعدة خاصه للاخ او الاخت fahd rashed اتمنى مراعات قواعد الكتابه فيه مثل الكابيتال ليترز في بدايه الجمل والفراغات في بداية البراقرافات لانه لايوجد لدي الوقت الكافي لوضعها لاني مشغوووله جدا كتبته بكلمات سهله وطريقه سهله تناسب شخص مبتدأ في اول انجلشو
دعوووواتكم لي بالتوفيق والجنه مع تحياتي

English Lover
08-06-2008, 11:53 PM

الف شكر على الجهد الرائع

09-06-2008, 12:38 AM
شكرررررررررا يااخي English lover بصراحه رفعت من معنوياتي جزاك الله خيراااا