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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : How to become a goddess of happiness

01-09-2005, 04:25 PM
[align=left]Dear friends
It's true that the post is addressed to ladies but guys can find alot of advantages in it

Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is-- why you're really here? " We all know for sure that it's to worship Allah" 0
What if I told you that it's also to enjoy life and it's beauty? Therefore your destiny is simply to have a happy life. I know that sounds like a fairy tale and unless you 're a Disney princess, it seems impossible, but if you watch any TV these days,you know anything is possible with the right makeover. A happiness makeover,however,is a little different than the extreme TV makeovers ,if you don't need any, because it involves not only the physical but the emotional and spiritual parts of you as well. Physical well-being is what you can see.Emotional well-being is anything that makes you feel good inside.And spiritual well-being is anything that connscts you with your true self--your inner goddess
Here are three easy ways to improve these areas of your life so that you can get well on your way to achirving a happier new you:

Respect your body and environment: The environment you live and work within--your home, your car your office your backyard--is a reflection of you.Fill these places with things you love to look at,like art or flowers,things you love to use,such as CD players or colored markers,or things you love to be reminded of,like pictures of loved ones.At the same time,keep these places spacious and neat so that positive energy can always flow around and to you.This is one of the basic principle of feng shui. Besides that, you'll just feel more in control and clear-headed without so much clutter to distract you.You must also remember to take care of your body.Honor it with nutritious food and exercise.Make exercise an integral part of your everyday life.This dosen't have to be a regimented program.It could be as simple as running up the stairs in your house instead of walking or playing with kids outside.Think of exercise as a little extra movement you incorporate into your daily schedule.If you have time for a regular class,make sure to pick something you love to do.If you need motivation,team up with a friend or a personal trainer

Nurture your feeling: Your feelings are part of who you are and you must acknowledge and feed them.This means not burying your negative emotions in an attempt to be happy.They'll only stir more deeply and longer if you don't accept them.You need to see them in order to release them.This also means doing things that make you feel good,inside and out.Maybe it's spending time with people you love,dancing,talking over your problems with a friend or even eating your favorite chocolate ice cream.Sometimes you need to do something totally indulgent to feel good and that's perfectly okay once in a while.Give yourself permission to indulge in whatever it is that makes you happy.You must believe that you're worth it,whether it's time,money or calories.Do it comletely guilt-free,knowing that the benefits of nurturing your innermost passions will make you happier,giving and loving person

Connect with your inner goddess: We've all heard the phrase "women's intuition," but what is it really and how can that make you happier? Intuition is that little voice inside of you that tells you things like "take that job," "stay away from that person," or "go this way". It can save you time ,or in some cases,save your life--either of which should make you happier.Intuition gives you information without your having to think about it.It allows you to just" know". Unfortunately,in our modern society,we don't learn how to develop our intuition,and we lose it like a muscle in atrophy.There are a number of ways to connect with your inner goddess--the easiest being some kind of meditative practice.Meditation could be different for everyone.Not all of us like to sit cross-legged on the floor while burning incense and chanting.Meditation can be as simple as taking a walk through the park or by the sea,inhaling and exhaling deeply or listening to soothing music

It's anything that helps quiet your mind,opening a space for you to connect with your inner voice

Focusing on and nurturing all three parts of yourself---the physical,emotional and spiritual---will make you look & feel much healthier & happier.So go ahead & break open that box of chocolate truffles.Just remember to take a nice long walk afterward

I read this lovely article in one of my favorite sites.I just have one more thing to add which is no matter what happens to you always be close to Allah
Dears I hope that you don't misinterpret the word goddess[/center]

اسيــ حبه ــرة
01-09-2005, 05:46 PM
I like your post

But I have some comments on the 1st and 2nd points

The 1st: We always want that .. but if we didn't have the

chance to do this .. what we can do?

you know youth or children love to fill their rooms with

something they love ... For example: the boys fill their

room with car pictures ... etc... But if we can't do this in

our own rooms because the parents refusing.. Where

we can do this? when we grow up and have a children

::.... ....:: ::.... ....:: ::.... ....::

The 2nd: I really don't have true friends in my daily

life... but I have inside the school... I appreciate them

and they told me about their problems inside their

homes ... but I can't tell them what I think of some matter

happened in my house.. And I don't have a close member

of my family so I can talk to him freely...

I'm just a way 2 make the people feel happy in their

lives ... In some words "I am really lonely"

I'll try the 3rd one maybe it's the best 4 me

Thanx soooo much 4 ur great post


01-09-2005, 10:42 PM
.Worship Allah
.Respect your body and environment
.Nurture your feeling
.Connect with your inner goddess
No matter what happens to you
.always be close to Allah

,Dear sister Enigma
.they are precious advice to work on
.Thanks a lot for sharing it with us
.May Allah bless and reward you

.I hope to see more from you
.Keep it up

02-09-2005, 12:00 AM
Dear Enigma

I think in our lives we are torn between what we want and how we live. The hopes, ambitions, dreams and aspirations we are driven by often face the wall of our reality. The ways you have pointed out help in finding the inner peace we all seek so eagrly. Yet, I feel that to a lady such steps are of little help if they are shared by no one

What would a picture be of use if the frame is empty?

What would a spacious neat room be of use if it is filled only by the
echo of silence?

What would a song in a CD player be of use if there is no one to dance with?

What would a piece of choclate be of use if it is not tasted by two

And most of all

What would a goddess say if the lady asked,"Why am I alone?"0

Dear sister

happiness is a mirage that exists only in the eyes of the beholder. It is a fleeting moment that comes suddenly and leaves soon

We should hope for it

but not live for it

Dear Enigma

Thank you for the amazing topics you keep bringing. With you, I feel like the doors being opened and the sunlight coming in. You are indeed a cool breeze of spring shaking the blossoming buds of thought

زهرة وفى
02-09-2005, 03:08 AM
thanks darling
for advisefor us

i wish for you happy life

thanks again

سعودي انجلش
02-09-2005, 03:33 AM
Thanks Dear Enigma

it is a great description

keep on please

03-09-2005, 10:34 PM
[align=left]Dear Asira

Reading your words gave me a chance to have a retrospective view of what every teenager could encounter in life.
If your parents are stopping you from doing things you like I'm sure it's out of love & care.But I'm also sure that if you're a teenager and you act like a child ,you'll be treated as a child.If,however,you wish to be treated as a " young adult ",take some accountability and understand that in life when dealing with others,no matter who it is you're dealing with or how old you are,it's a matter of give & take:in order to have " this " you have to be willing to give up " that ".When talking to your parents lower your defenses & open up your heart.Tell them you know right from wrong & it's just that you want to be your own self.Always keep them assured

To me I'm often very selective when it comes to friends.Surrounding yourself with lots of people & calling them friends could be inaccurate sometimes.Are you sure your shoolmates are true friends.What I sensed from your words is that you couldn't confide your woes & worries to anyone but your own self.If you can't find that kind of honest friend turn to your family.Believe me dear nothing in the whole world could ever match family.Reach out to an older sister if you have one.If not turn to your mom.Having a sister or a mom as best friends is supreme[/center]

03-09-2005, 10:40 PM
[align=left]Dear Instigator

I would like to express my gratitude to your courtesy and kindness towards all of us.It shows how caring person you are
Many thanks brother[/center]

03-09-2005, 11:04 PM
[align=left]Dear ASTRO

Admit it.You do enjoy it , don't you? 0

You find pleasure in keeping us thinking about your words and perspectives about life

What is it wrong with you? Are you serious!!! Do you really believe that happiness is a mirage & we should only hope for it

Don't you think we should try hard to be happy in life.Do things just work out themselves or we should work them out.Are we going to spend the rest of our lives sitting in the middle of nowhere waiting for a miracle to happen

It's true that beauty & happiness are in the eyes of the beholder.So can't keep the happy moments in life and cherish them
Why are you imaging happiness as an impermanent moment.Why don't we make happiness a permanent attitude

We can cease happy moments and make them last forever
You should have an optimistic determination [/center]

03-09-2005, 11:24 PM
[align=left]Dear Wafa

I wish you a happy & successful life[/center]

03-09-2005, 11:27 PM
[align=left]Dear Saudi English

I'm deliriously happy and very honored to have you reading my humble

Thanks dear brother[/center]

03-09-2005, 11:30 PM
Dear Enigma

I couldn't stop laughing when I read your words. You sounded like a psychiatist who had just had it with his patient
Did I really sound that pessimistic? Well, if I did, it is not because I am trying to act philosophical
Think of it
Most people confuse satisfaction with happiness. I don't call sitting at home, watching the TV and feeling good about yourself a happy moment. A happy moment is a moment when you feel so high you can touch the clouds. It is the time when your dreams come true. A moment when you feel on top of the world
Now, tell me honestly when was the last time you felt this way? And how often? 0

Dear Sister

You are right I do enjoy making you think about my ideas. But you know why? 0
Because your replies are more beautiful

04-09-2005, 12:10 AM
[align=left]Oh, cut it off.Did I sound like a shrink? You gotta be kidding me

Anaway,I didn't mean to over do it.I just wanted to tease you as you do to us

The last time I felt extremely happy was last month exactly July 15th . I made a decision or an agreement with myself " Not to die an unlived life ".I kept singing the famous song " I believe I can fly.....I can touch the sky" 0

Although life can sometimes defies us ,but we should never give up.We shall always fulfil our dreams [/center]

04-09-2005, 12:46 AM
I can hear you sister

Yes, we need to challenge our destiny even if the end is already written. After all, diginty is in the way we stand our ground in the battle of life

To your amazing spirit, my admiration bows in awe

اسيــ حبه ــرة
06-09-2005, 04:56 PM
Thanx so much for the advice

Abo Lama
08-09-2005, 10:31 PM

from the headline i beleived it is for ladies

but after reading it, i found very intresting and even men could get some benifits ;)

thanx my sister

and keep on plz

10-09-2005, 09:57 PM
Dear Asira

I'll be happy if you found what you were seeking for in my words and happier if you consider me a friend

Dear ابو لمى

Finding out that you enjoyed the topic was great