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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بلييييييييز ساعدوني الله يرضى عليكم

22-10-2008, 04:14 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

انا معلمه جديده لسى متخرجه السنه الي فاتت

ولقيت وظيفه بمدرسه اهليه مرره كويسه ونفسي فيهاااااا

المهم المقابله مررت ع سلام

بس طلبو اشرح درس لسنه رابع ابتدائي وطبعا هم يتبعون مناهج ال English parade

اخترت دررس مرره حلوووه بس مو عارفه كيف اشرحه خصوصا انهم صغار

وانا ماعمري درست ابتدائي

الدرس اوله يعلم الاطفال اجزاء الجسم التاليه hand foot arm leg face

بعدين اعلم كيف يقيسووا بالسنتميتر هالاعضاء واكتب لهم كيف تنكتب measure

والجزء الثاني من الدرس عن المقارنه باستخدام الكلمات التاليه

shorter longer bigger smaller فقط

انا اشوف الدرس مررره قصير بس مابغى اخلصه بدري

ابغى اشرحه بطريقه حلوووه وباستخدام وسايل ممتعه


ابغا اتثبت بالمدرسه دي :smile (97):

بلييييييييييييييييييز هيلب ,, والله راح ادعي لكم ,,

22-10-2008, 05:31 PM
Playing games is the solution for u and using teaching aids
u can bring some flash cards of the body parts then
u start intoducing ur lesson part by part
then u can bring some students infront of the class and name them with the body parts
after that u can play a game
two students come into the front of the class and a third one says the part and they should
point to this part and the one who does this faster is teh winner
For the second part of the lesson also u can use the studens to compare
between each other .
First u ask a student how tall are u?
he answers u write the answer on the board
after that u do the same with another one
and write the answert on the board
finally u present ur new information
Ali is short but Ahmad is shorter
and so on
u can use materilas from ur class to do such comparison
wish u the best of luck


22-10-2008, 10:26 PM
thanksssssssss alot Dr_subahi

sorry but i did't understand the game


should i do worksheet for the lesson ?

:( and sorry for if i bother u

23-10-2008, 07:37 PM
معقوله كل هالمشاهدات ولارد ولامسااااعده

ع العموم هذا ايميلي للي يحب يساعدني Nmshs21@hot

بلييييييييييييييييييييييييييز لاتحرموني من مساعدتكم

25-10-2008, 01:19 AM
Hi and sorry for being late
u can do worksheet like a game
for example scrambled letters they form words with the body parts
and the group who finishes faster is the winner
u can play the game with nae ( Touch ) a
u ask a student or a student asks another by saying
Touch ur ( arm ) or any part
and he must be fast trying to make the other student touchthe wrong part

hpe u will be firne

25-10-2008, 01:21 AM
Hi and sorry for being late
u can do worksheet like a game
for example scrambled letters they form words with the body parts
and the group who finishes faster is the winner
u can play the game with name ( Touch ) a
u ask a student or a student asks another by saying
Touch ur ( arm ) or any part
and he must be fast trying to make the other student touch the wrong part

hope u will be fine