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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : My translated story ^_^ have FUN

05-12-2008, 09:10 PM
Here is one of my stories that I wrote and I did translate it from Arabic to English ..

I hope you like it and enjoy reading it. Although, I did my best but i feel that there is some mistakes because i translated it from my own experience ^_^ .

the little girl

Once in a cold and windy night , while people in their homes felt warmth ... The cruel stepmother forced the little girl to goes to every houses and knocked every door without any quilt or cover. And ask each person to give her some money or food , the girl left in a deplorable state. Frozen out of the extreme cold. She asked a lot of people, some of them were generous and some of them did not extend his hand with even bread ...The girl returned home and said: my aunt. My aunt..

The wife came in hurry. She said : "What did you brought for me??"
the child replayed :some money!! ... The stepmother took the money and threw the girl aside ...The child went to the room or that called basement....

the little girl entered her hand in her pocket and took an Apple that had give by the young lady..

the child started eating the Apple, it was her food for that day ...the Girl with each bite imagine if she were in a house with a loving mother and kind father and a lot of sisters and brothers there. But the stepmother came and cut off the series of ideas has full the baby's mind by taking the apple, shouting on her striking and hitting her ...

the girl cried a lot and begged her stepmother to return the Apple ,but that bad women said :"If you told me about that Apple before i wouldn't do anything" ... then the wife eat the Apple ... the child cried a lot from hunger ... The stepmother locked the basement door as a punishment for the girl ... this was not the first time that the wife do that . every time the child can escape but she couldn't escape this time!!

Over two days, the child did not came out ... the stepmother was surprised of that but she said :"she probably went out" ... the stepmother went to begging as usual ...the kids who used to play with the girl missed her and they took the chance to inspect and visit their friend when the stepmother left the house ...

When they entered the house they searched for their friend in all the rooms that she used to sit ,but they did not find any trace of her ... As they arrived at the basement they smell's a bad smell and they said :"it must be the mice" ... When they entered they shocked!! the innocent young girl's body have become rotted
the children left running, crying and screaming from what did they saw ...

the stepmother returned, she saw huge crowds of neighbors around her house, she entered in the crowd and then answered in the negative relationship known matter after what happened to the child ... the people became angry and they dismissed her from the village, the village dressed in mourning of the poor girl death…

الطفلة الصغيـــرة

في إحدى الليالي الباردة ، حيث الرياح العاتية و الناس في منازلهم حيث الدفء و الحنان ....
أجبرت زوجة الأب الظالمة الطفلة الصغيرة بأن تذهب لكل منزل و تطرق كل باب من غير لحاف ولا غطاء .. تطلب من كل شخص أن يمد لها بيد العطاء
أن يعطيها ولو شئ من الغذاء ، خرجت الطفلة في حالة يرثى لها .. خرجت متجمدة من شدة البرد .. طرقت أبواب عدة ، بعضهم من أهل الجود و السخاء .. و بعضهم لم يمد يده بكسرة خبز ... رجعت الطفلة تنادي : خالتي .. خالتي ..

جاءت الزوجة وفي عينيها لمحة فرح .. قالت : ماذا جلبتي لي ؟؟
قالت الطفلة : بعض النقود ...
أخذت زوجة الأب النقود وألقت بالطفلة جانباً ... الطفلة ذهبت إلى الغرفة أو ما يسمى بالقبو .. أدخلت يدها في جيبها وأخرجت التفاحة التي أعطتها إياها السيدة الشابة و ضمتها لها بحنان ... أخذت الطفلة تقضم التفاحة فقد كان غذاؤها لهذا اليوم ...
الطفلة مع كل قضمة تتخيل لو كانت في منزل لها أم وأب وإخوة فيه..لكن جأت زوجة الأب وقطعت عليها سلسلة تخيلاتها ممسكة بالتفاحة موبخة للطفلة وضاربةً إياها.....

بكت الطفلة كثيرا وتوسلت لزوجة أبيها أن تعيد لها التفاحة لكن الخالة السيئة قالت لها: لو انك اخبرتيني بأمر التفاحة لما حدث ما حدث...ثم قامت زوجة الأب بأكل التفاحة بنهم شديد....أخذت الطفلة تبكي بحرقة من الجوع الذي تشعر به....وقامت زوجة الأب بإقفال باب القبو عليها كعقاب لها...
لم تكن هذه المرة الأولى التي تقوم زوجة الأب بذلك ففي كل مرة تستطيع الطفلة الهرب إلا هذه المرة!!!
مر يومان والطفلة لم تخرج...استغربت زوجة الأب من ذلك لكنها قالت في نفسها:لابد أنها خرجت ولم أشعر بها...وخرجت زوجة الأب لتتسول كعادتها...

أبناء الحي الصغار الذين اعتادت الطفلة اللعب معهم افتقدوها وتعجبوا من غيابها فانتهزوا فرصة خروج زوجة الأب من المنزل لتفقدها وزيارتها...عندما دخلوا المنزل بحثوا في كل الغرف التي اعتادت الجلوس فيها لكنهم لم يجدوا لها أي اثر...ولما وصلوا إلى القبو اشتموا رائحة عفنة وقالوا:لابد أنها الفئران....وعندما دخلوا وجدوا مالم يخطر على بالهم....
صديقتهم الطفلة الصغير البريئة جثة تأكلها الحشرات!!!!!
خرج الأطفال مسرعين فزعين يبكون ويصرخون من هول ماشاهدوه...

جأت زوجة الأب فرأت الجموع الهائلة من الجيران حول منزلها,دخلت في الزحام وعرفت بالأمر فنفت علاقتها بما جرى....
غضب سكان القرية منها فما كان منهم إلا أن طردوها من القرية التي صارت تلبس ثوب الحداد على الطفلة المسكينة.....

All rights received to ME lol

FOR those who gonna copy it:::
If you gonna copy it , please at least mention my nickname and do pray for me


Try To Reach
06-12-2008, 02:03 PM
Great Job dear

Great Job really

Allah bless ya sister

Allah bless ya

الواثقة بالله
06-12-2008, 07:42 PM

you r the best

06-12-2008, 09:36 PM
Try to reach

thank you both :)

it's nice to see your replies here

16-12-2008, 08:40 PM

does that suppost to mean wow? lol

20-12-2008, 08:54 PM
Hello Remoa,

Nice try and wish you the best of luck. This is indeed a great way to learn English and hope to see you soon speaking English like native speakers.

I read the story and would like to correct a few mistakes, please bear my corrections. looooooool

The corections are made in red in the attached file

Wishing you and all the members of this bulletin the best of luck.

Khalid Al Bhatti

21-12-2008, 07:05 PM
Khalid Al Bhatti

alsalaam alykum brother

first of all I would thank you for your nice words and that sweet wish :)

brother , after reading your "correction" I realize that you made the story more simple and better to read :)

so next time I will show you my stories to make sure they are correct ^_^

thanks again & hope you liked that story

Have FUn

21-12-2008, 09:23 PM
Hello Renoa,

The pleasure is all mine if i'am able to help some one to learn something and to share my knowledge with them.

Every one is welcome here.

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Khalid Al Bhatti

22-12-2008, 06:46 PM
Allah may bless you :)

22-12-2008, 07:54 PM
Hello again,

May Allah bless you
:smile (96):is the correct way to say

23-12-2008, 09:59 AM

:smile (25):


I think its fine to Say Allah May bless you lol

I think I have to Re-learn English & thats coz of you bro :girl face (153):

Have a Good day ^^

:smile (87):

23-12-2008, 09:35 PM
Hello Renoa,

No you do not have to re-learn English. Just few corrections and you will be fine.

And remember making mistakes is better than not trying. You will learn from the mistakes.

No one is perfect, you surely know somethings that I do not know, and I know somethings you do not know, and here is the wisdom of sharing information lol


24-12-2008, 07:15 PM
yep thats super true I guess :)

by the way, do you check my replies all the time?


nice talking to you , and you sound really clever person

you just remind me with my egyption teacher , mashaa Allah

May Allah bless you & have a nice weekend ^_^

25-12-2008, 02:47 PM
Hi there,

I just visit the page once in a day and after seeing your reply I post my reply, lol

I am not clever, just sharing some of my views with others not more or less than that.

I also wish you a happy weekend and hope to catch you around.


28-12-2008, 09:20 PM
lol thank you

pray for me :)

أم عبد الحميد
14-02-2009, 09:08 AM
thank you very mutch

14-02-2009, 10:18 PM

16-02-2009, 11:24 PM
thanks both ^_______^

18-02-2009, 01:14 AM
Dear Renoa

I like what I've just read so much..

It shows what a hard worker UR

Keep Up the good efforts!

انجليش وبس
14-03-2009, 07:48 PM
so painful story

but very nice

thanks so much dear for the great effort

God blessing you

02-04-2009, 05:30 PM
thanks aloOoOoOoOoOot friends ^__^