المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Eyes have Light

اسيــ حبه ــرة
07-10-2005, 03:23 AM
Hi dear friends

I was thinking of some subject I read about

which was about the expresions which show

...in your eyes

I read that when you are happy this feeling

show like a twinkling in your eyes .. And when

...you feel sad this twinkiling fade

At the first, I didn't believe this .. I was thinking

...about that from the time I had read it

I try to track every sight of my friends

I saw darkness in their eyes .. they weren't twinkling

,I knew that they live in a deep condition of losing hope

...sadness and unrest

On the other side, I track the sights of my teacher

to know how much happiness they have

I saw a few teacher have the sight of hope, happiness

...and self-confeidence

So you can know how much the person is happy

through his eyes.. And if your hope increase the

..twinkiling will increase also

Also, I try it on my self .. when I was happy I look

at the mirror.. and I see a lot of happiness through

my eyes .. and when I'm sad I see a deep sadness

but I didn't like the last view .. So I love to see my

..eyes happy ... by making my soul happy

Now, if you don't believe this .. and I know most of you do

try this by yourselves and keep tracking the eyes of the

people around you.. and see if they are happy or not

Maybe you can make thim speak freely to you

..and earase some of their sarrows

:D I'll make you an eyes-trackers with this post

king cobra
07-10-2005, 04:28 PM
[align=left]I'm glad for your sharing, and I say:

what you had read is true. usually, the eyes debunk its mate.

Towards me, If I wanna know my friend situation, I look in his eyes.


08-10-2005, 03:59 PM
,Dear little sister Aseerah
.yes, I think that it is really true
Smiling while having bad mood
or going throught difficult
circumstances is really a hard
.challenge to beat. Eyes, personally
.are just an indicator to one's mood
You can sense one's mood though
looking into his eyes. We can easily
guess one's mood even if he pretends
.being in the real mood

.Thanks a lot for sharing it with us
.keep it up
.I hope to see more from you

08-10-2005, 05:50 PM
I`m not sure about this


I`ll keep tracking the eyes of the

people around me and see if it`s true .

I'll make you an eyes-trackers with this post

it seems you r right

thanks sis

lonely hope
10-10-2005, 12:27 AM
I agree with u my dear

07-03-2013, 10:38 PM
thank you ...