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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Facts about English (الحلقه الرابعه)

أميرة بأخلاقها@
21-04-2009, 09:18 PM


هناك الكثير من المعلومات الهامه التي لانستطيع أن نهملها نحن معلمون ومعلمات اللغة الأنجليزيه حتى الطلاب فأحببت هنا ان أقدم بعض الحلقات بعنوان Facts about English

هذه الحلقه الأولى أتمنى أن تعم الفائده


Use always between the modal verb or auxiliary verb and the main verb, I can always tell when he's lying .i

Use always after the verb to be in a sentence, He's always late.i

beautiful _ pretty _ handsome _ good -*looking _ cute

These words are all used to say that someone is attractive:i

Beautiful: is a strong word meaning extremely attractive in a way that is quite rare, the most beautiful actress in Hollywood.i

Pretty: is less strong ways of describing and used to younger women and girls, she's the prettiest girl I ever met.i

Handsome: is usually used to describe men, a tall, dark and handsome stranger . it can be used about attractive older woman.i

Good-looking: about both men and women.i

Cute: is used about babies and children, but can also used about young men and women especially in American English.i

between _ among:i

between: is used to talk about being in the middle of two people, times, things etc: they arrived betweentwo thirty and three.i

among : is usedwhen someone or something is in the middle of three or more people, things etc: they wandered among the crowds in the marketplace. i

child _ baby _ infant _ toddler _ teenager _ kid:

Baby and infant: are both words for a very young child who was born not long ago, but the word infant is much more formal.i

A toddler: is a child who has just learned to walk.i

Teenagers: are children aged 13 – 19.i

Kid: is an informal word meaning a child or young person.i

والى اللقاء فى الحلقة القادمة من معلومات تهمك

I care
23-04-2009, 03:53 PM
what a nice information i really like it

wating 4 the 2nd part

may allah bless u

mi dear

23-04-2009, 11:45 PM
أمير بأخلاقها ..

مشكورة أختي ..

حقائق تشكري على جمعها ..

وإن أذنتي لي أختي ..

أن أضيف ..


24-04-2009, 12:45 AM
مجهود رائع رائع جدا 00 اميرها بااخلاقها اسال اللة ان لايحرمك الاجر والثواب واسال اللة ان يحفظك فوق كل ارض وتحت كل سماء 00

29-04-2009, 02:06 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الأميرة بأخلاقها@

طرحٌ قيمـ ومفيد

مبدعة كما عودتنا دائماً أختي السكرة

جعل الله جهدكـو كل ماتبذليه شاهداً لكِـ لا عليكـ

وفتح عليكِـ و لا حرمنا نحن سخاوة عطائكـ


01-05-2009, 12:02 AM
الأميرة بأخلاقها@

مـــبدعــة و حضور قيم و رائع كما هي عادتكِ....

ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن... القسم دائماً متجدد بوجودكِ فيه غاليتي...

دمتي بحفظ الرحمن و بعطـاء...

أميرة بأخلاقها@
02-05-2009, 04:08 PM
I care

nice to see you here

best regards

02-05-2009, 04:08 PM

ماشاء الله
ابداع ومجهود تشكري عليه

الله يجزاك الجنه

ويسهل امورك

منتظرين بقية الحلقات
حفظك الله

أميرة بأخلاقها@
02-05-2009, 04:09 PM

شاكره لك تواجدك أستاذتي الرائعه

أميرة بأخلاقها@
02-05-2009, 04:10 PM

جزاااااااك الله الجنة على هذه الدعوات الرائعه ولك مثلها

أميرة بأخلاقها@
02-05-2009, 04:12 PM

ياهلا وغلا برائعتنا سوسو

لقد أحرجتني بهذه الكلمات والدعوات الطيبه التي لاتساوي شئ مقارنه بمجهودك وعطائك

دمتي لنا معطاءه

أميرة بأخلاقها@
02-05-2009, 04:14 PM

كم أنا سعيده بهذا الحضور الرائع الذي أنار المتصفح

ياهلا وغلا بالرائعه روما

والله مرورك شرف لي فكيف بكلماتك الراقيه فهي تعتبر وسام وتاج على رأسي

دمتي لنا ياغاليه

في حفظ الرحمن

أميرة بأخلاقها@
02-05-2009, 04:16 PM
الحلقه الثانيه

Facts about English

Did you know that English is the most widespread language in the world and is more widely spoken and written than any other language

Did you know that over 400 million people use the English vocabulary as a mother tongue, only surpassed in numbers, but not in distribution by speakers of the many varieties of Chinese

Did you know that over 700 million people, speak English, as a foreign language

Did you know that of all the world's languages (over 2,700) English is arguably the richest in vocabulary; and that the Oxford English Dictionary lists about 500,000 words, and a further half-million technical and scientific terms remain uncatalogued

Did you know that three-quarters of the world's mail, telexes and cables are in English

Did you know that the main language used throughout the world on the internet is English

Did you know that more than half of the world's technical and scientific periodicals are in English

Did you know that English is the medium for 80% of the information stored in the world's computers

Did you know that English is the language of navigation, aviation and of Christianity; it is the ecumenical language of the World Council of Churches

Did you know that 5 of the largest broadcasting companies in the world (CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC and CBC) transmit in English, reaching millions and millions of people all over the world

The longest word without repeating any letters

"Uncopyrightable", with fifteen letters, is the longest word in English in which no letter is used more than once.

5 vowels in a row
There is only one common word in English that has five vowels in a row: "queueing".

6 consonants in a row

The word "knightsbridge" has six consonants in a row, as does "latchstring".

5 vowels in alphabetical order

There are several words that feature all five vowels in alphabetical order, including "facetious" and "abstemious".

Strange pairs or groups of words

EWE and YOU are a pair of words with identical pronunciations that have no letters in common. Another example is the pair, EYE and I. However such word pairs are often dependent on the accent of the speaker. For instance Americans might well believe that A and EH form such a pair whereas other English speakers might not.

Strange pronunciation

The most notorious group of letters in the English language, ough, can be pronounced at least nine different ways.

"UFF" tough, enough
"OFF" cough
"OW" bough, slough
"OH" though, dough
"OR" thought Pronounced "AW" in American English
"OO" through
"UH" thorough Pronounced "OH" in American English
"UP" hiccough variant spelling of "hiccup", though the latter form is recommended in both British and US

To be continued

كل الحنان
02-05-2009, 06:35 PM

الله يجزاك الجنه على الموضوع الراااااااااااائع

ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن

معك بجميع الحلقات ياعسل ..

دمتي بخير ..

أميرة بأخلاقها@
07-05-2009, 04:49 PM

ألف شكر أستاذي على التواجد والتشجيع

حفظك المولى

أميرة بأخلاقها@
07-05-2009, 04:51 PM
كل الحنان

ياهلا ومرحبا بفراشة المنتدى

شاكره لك تواجدك ومتابعتك وتشجيعك ياغاليه


11-05-2009, 03:54 PM
frankly attractive topic keep it up

أميرة بأخلاقها@
15-05-2009, 07:19 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

الحلقه الثالثه

Able or Possible

Both are used to tell the possibility of achieving something. Able is used with a person. Possible is used with a thing


I don't think Jim is able to persuade Emma to change her mind

I don't think it is possible to finish the work in three days

Accept or Receive

Acceptis used when someone agrees to take what he is offered

Receive, which simply means 'get', is used when there is nomentioning whether one look something willingly or not.


The customer was angry with the shop assistant because she would not accept his cheque

You will receive a warm welcome from my family when you come to visit us

Aboard or Abroad

Abroadmeans 'in or to another country'

Aboardmeans 'on or in a ship plane or other large vehicle


Many people have a high opinion of those who have furthered their studies abroad

The plane is about to take off, let's go aboard

My auntie was aboard the ship when it sank

Across or Cross

Acrossmeans 'from one side to the other side (of) Since across is a preposition, it has to be used with a verb.

Crossis a verb which means 'walk or go from one side to the other side of


While we were walking across the road, there was an accident

When you cross the road, you must take great care of passing traffic

Admit or 'Admit of'

Admitmeans 'take a confession of; acknowledge

Admitof (formal English) means 'leave room for; give the possibility of


I refuse to 'admit' doing something that someone else did

His insistence admits of no rejection

His bad behavior admits of no excuse

Hope you wait the fourth part

16-05-2009, 08:49 PM
Thank u sis. for this valuable information

we are waiting for the fourth part.


أميرة بأخلاقها@
10-06-2009, 03:05 PM
Do not be crule


thanks for passing by

أميرة بأخلاقها@
10-06-2009, 03:07 PM
Dr subahi

welcome my great brother

thanks for passing by

أميرة بأخلاقها@
10-06-2009, 03:39 PM
الحلقه الرابعه

s'- 's

Use ('s) at the end of a word to show that some thing belongs to a particular person

Ex:Sherif's book- His mother's car

Use (s') when the plural noun ends in (s)i

Ex:Our parents' house
The dogs' food

Use ('s) after a person's name, even if it ends in (s) i

Ex: Ms Collins's office
Kris's new friend



In spoken English me is usually used after as, than, and be

Ex:He isn't as me
He's fatter than me
It's me

In formal language it is better to try to express the idea in a different way

Ex: He isn't as thin as I am
He's fatter than I am
I am the one /the person

The same is true of her, him, andthem

Either..or- Neither..nor

Use a singular verb with these words when you are writing if the second noun is singular

Ex:If either Sherif or Ali calls, please take a message

Neither Sherif nor Ali is very tall

If the second noun is plural, use a plural verb

Ex:If either my sister or my parents come, please let themin However, in informal speech, people usually use a plural verb, whether the noun is singular or plural

Fun- Funny

Use fun to talk about events and activities that are enjoyable, such as games and parties

Ex:Let's go to the beach and have some fun

Funny is an adjective that describes someone or something that makes you laugh

Ex:Bob's jokes are really funny

مع تحياتى

The tolerant
10-06-2009, 08:59 PM
الله يعطيك العافيه اميره مجهود جبار وفيه الفائده

أميرة بأخلاقها@
20-06-2009, 11:59 PM

شاكره لك مرورك يارائعه

25-06-2009, 10:01 PM
Amazing Facts

Thank U my dear

26-06-2009, 02:51 PM
معلومات قيمة .. و مجهود رائع أمورة..

يعطيك ألف عافية

أميرة بأخلاقها@
28-06-2009, 01:12 PM

الف شكر يالغاليه

أميرة بأخلاقها@
28-06-2009, 01:13 PM

الف شكر ياقمر

عدو اليأس
28-06-2009, 02:42 PM
يعطيك الف الف عافيه أميره بأخلاقها .. :smile (28):.. والله اسلوب قمه في الروعه وطرح جميل جداً ..
متابعين كل جديد في هذا الموضوع وعلى احر من الجمر
Enemy of despair

أميرة بأخلاقها@
28-06-2009, 11:33 PM
عدو اليأس

الف شكر على المرور استاذي

شاكره لك كلماتك الطيبه

أميرة بأخلاقها@
28-06-2009, 11:33 PM
عدو اليأس

الف شكر على المرور استاذي

شاكره لك كلماتك الطيبه

01-07-2009, 04:32 PM

حسام III
01-07-2009, 07:10 PM
Great work


أميرة بأخلاقها@
09-07-2009, 03:53 PM

الف شكر على المرور

أميرة بأخلاقها@
09-07-2009, 03:56 PM

الف شكر على المرور