المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أتمنى المساعدة العاجلة

أنا سعودية
27-08-2009, 02:04 AM
السلام عليكم
أحتاج مساعدة عاجلة لإتمام بحث ماجستير في الأدب الإنجليزي بمراجع و مصادرعن الموضوع
مع فائق شكري
أرجو المساعدة

الموضوع و فكرة مبسطة عنه

I need examples of THE AMBVILANCE of these characters along with critical commentaries:
'A passage to India"
Veraswami of "Burmese Days"
Ralph Singh of" the mimic men"
Illustration of how they are sometimes with the empire and sometimes refusing it.
I need authentic commentaries with bibliographies

30-08-2009, 01:12 PM
dude and i mean it
cause most of guys who need help come with girls Nicknames
google it :)
or youtube it

" check yahoo answer "
wiki is good too
may helps

عدو اليأس
30-08-2009, 02:37 PM
dude and i mean it

cause most of guys who need help come with girls Nicknames

google it :)
or youtube it

" check yahoo answer "
wiki is good too
may helps

Bear in mind that we don't care about gender especially here in Saudi English Forums

so if you are able to do something for this member just do it right away and don't hesitate
Otherwise it's much better to be silent cuz we're in glorious month we mustn't think like that.
Yours /Enemy