تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ساعدوني بليزززززززززززززززززززززز ززز

life girl
29-10-2009, 03:40 AM
ابغى احد يساعدني في الواجب ضروري والله تعبت وانا احاول

imagine your friend just finished colleg and does not know what to do for work
write him or her a short note with advice use information from
the review of what color is YOUR parachute? give at least three suggestion

imagine you have your dream job what do you do? describe your job be sure to discuss the three that richard bolles says are important the skills you use the setting and the reward

نختار واحد ونكتب عنه

الله يخليكم ساعدوني :smile (56):

life girl
30-10-2009, 05:27 PM
والله محد مفكر يساعدني :smile (56):

30-10-2009, 05:50 PM
ابغى احد يساعدني في الواجب ضروري والله تعبت وانا احاول

imagine your friend just finished colleg and does not know what to do for work
write him or her a short note with advice use information from
the review of what color is YOUR parachute? give at least three suggestion

imagine you have your dream job what do you do? describe your job be sure to discuss the three that richard bolles says are important the skills you use the setting and the reward

نختار واحد ونكتب عنه

الله يخليكم ساعدوني :smile (56):

يبدو ان الأسألة متعلقة بأفكار في المنهج وهي غير واضحة هنا حتى نتبعها في الحل

على كل حال هذا حل من راسي :)

طبعا الحل على الوضع الأول
Dear friend, to get a good quality job you have to be aware of the following

1 - Try always to Seize the opportunities and remember that One of the biggest mistakes people make is spending too much time looking for the big opportunity

2 - Try to view your life from a wider perspective and stop making excuses

3 - Remember that, no pain no gain, and you that have to try your best all the time with out complaining

أتمنى اكون قدمت ولو الشيء القليل

أطيب المنى

life girl
30-10-2009, 07:02 PM
المنهج يتكلم عن finding the ideal job

على كل حال بارك الله فيك ماقصرت

جزاك الله خير