المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : This is My School Life

07-11-2009, 09:39 PM
May Allah Welcome Us All >> To His Heavens
Say Amen

Assalm Alaikum

Sorry For My Rudeness .. but i can't help it
this kind of story that i would like share it with you
i hope you may enjoy it .. Our dears

While I'm in is this great forum
every time i click on any educational stage .. if this how i can put it
the memories of mine flashes in my head
i remember the joy and the sadness i had
so many years past
so innocent so pure

during the elementary schooling
well i don't remember much .. but i do remember this
my first day at school I didn't cry
don't get me wrong .. I had my dad
he was a teacher .. because the school was 2 in 1
he he >> I mean elementary and intermediate
i stayed there for two years
then I've been moved to other school which is near to our home
these four years were so wonderful >> what a childhood
thank to my beloved Allah
at the 6th grade I've been a signed to make a wall magazine with my friends
so we gathered at a home one of them and spent the night there
that was my first magazine

then we graduated from 6th grade and the magazine on the wall of our school
it's been there for 5 years .. can you believe that
may be they are to lazy to remove it >> to me it just a kids scratches
any way .. back to our story
I've entered the intermediate stage
where the my wonderful memories toke place
as you all know .. well most of you don't
i have an English parents
so the language never been a problem for me
there for, i always get A's
they even consider me as a gifted boy
while I'm nothing near that
and they accept me in the talent club which it is exclusive for excellent students
where I've met great friends and learned so important Stuffs .. they even called me the english expert
but that still had such an effect on me till now
there where I've got my Islamic background build for good
and I've been Multazim since then
I'm so grateful i was there
My Allah reword the teachers who were behind it

one of my funny situations
when i got zero in an Arabic subject that require memorizing
I'm not good at that at all
so the teacher came to me and asked .. why??
I've tried to figure an excuse
so I've tolled him
i didn't memorize the passage very well teach. << i was cornered
so he said : can you say it to me now.
i said : yes
and i start saying the passage .. or i think it was a poem
any way .. i was so bathetic
till i start crying in front of him and the whole class
some of them start to laugh .. but my friend you can see sympathy through there eyes
they even begged him .. please teach let it through
till the teach. is moved .. and he toke me out side the class and said
look Amjed I'll give you full mark .. but you have to promise me something
promise me to study hard next time .. O.K
and don't tell your friends
how cute >> i hope all teacher like that
but i think it is not strange from him to do that
after all he is a trainee .. a good one
but the next year .. came to us the opposite
he had what we called pins in the class .. which they are spies
every time he give us a home work .. a large one
the spies searching for the cheaters .. those who copy
unfortunately I've be came one of them
then he came and checked our notebooks
making some students to stand up even if they made theirs
and he came to me .. said stand up
i was shaking .. then i asked why??
he forced to stand up and give me that slap .. i still remember it till now
may Allah keeps him safe

after i finished 3rd grade i graduated one of the top three of our class
and i entered the secondary school
where i had a normal experience to me
I've joined the Islamic club >> which it is not that different from the previous one
but this one more general .. oh i forget to tell you that talented and the Islamic clubs
wrer both new when we entered them .. means we were the first members in them
what a lucky branch
i had my three years >> but i couldn't managed the last one
so I've decided to skip it and take it once again to improve my grades
but it cost me to lose my friends .. that was my sadist situation i ever had that time
but no regrets .. i have to continue
I've made new friends .. with them and the support of the old ones
I've graduated as one of the top three of our school
thank Allah for these times .. i lived so many experiences
that made what I'm now
may Allah reword all who have a touch on me
and reunion us in his heavens

I hope i didn't bother any one ..

I'll be happy if you enjoy it

thank you all for reading and your time

and I'll be glade >> if you shard yours

May God Keeps You well All times

Special Thanks To
My Dear Faisal >> for his support

07-11-2009, 10:18 PM

First of all = Amen :)

Wa 3alykum alsalam wa rahmatu Allah wa brkatuh

Well , new information for me brother Amjed that you got English parents may Allah bless you all.

When I was reading your story I dont know how I felt about that slap . I mean okay he wanted to teach you and all the other students agood lesson but there would be other ways than to cause you a physical pain lol i hate such old ways :o and you still praying for him . .that is really generous from you.

Allah may reward you and shower your life with happiness.

I got a similar story :)

When I was at the 6th grade I really was heady child with HUGE pride lol >> and still :p
I hated and I still hate sewing classes they were silly and I never completed my sewing stuff by my own .
One day the teacher wanted to teach me a lesson or just to punish me ,so she took me to a lower classes >3rd classes> so the lil students make fun of me and that was so annoying and when I refused to enter their class she slapd me really Hard . I couldnt stop my tears because no teacher or stranger slapped me before and I was the 1st student over all girls in the same grade. I told her that when I reach home and tell my parents she will regret this moment and I knew slapping isnt away to punish me .And as you all know that the parents can complaint about that and the teacher will loose marks or somthing like that. I went to my class and when I was about to leave she came to me and kissed my forehead saying that she is so sorry for that slap and I should complete my sewing book. That nice treatment was like a push to do my best in her classes . .and now I just say Allah may forgive her ,she must have been slapping alot lol

Sorry for writing too much, hope I am not bothering you ^.^

Thanx again brother , your topics always unique.

rose rani
08-11-2009, 12:12 AM
thank you my brother

I have enjoyed reading it

for me

I was so naive

once my friend decided that they
were not going to wear the school's uniform
i agreed to do the same thing, however my firends have had
their uniforms in their bags while me. in the morning
i could not do as we agreed together because of parents
so i only have worn beige socks instead of white
in order to prevent my firend that i could keep my promise
at the school when the supervisor came to see
our uniforms my clever firends were wearing their uniforms and stupid
me i was cought and send to the punishment room just only for socks
after the supervisor has gone my firend have changed their clothes
and they have not been punished
while me
i did

08-11-2009, 12:21 AM

thank you brother for sharing us your school life stories

me too have enjoyed reading it

I want to share this story with you. When I was at the primary school. I and my friends used to sit with each other during break time, previous day they was nutty and rude when I was absent that day, they did something wrong and there was a new teacher was looking for them to Punish them. The bell rang to indicate that break time was over. Suddenly, she sew them; 'hey all of you come in here', she said...'who is this' I, said. Before finishing my talk, they all ran away. That teacher asked me to follow her. 'Why', I asked. She didn't say anything '.open your hands', she said. She hit me with a long ruler 4 times without mistake that I did. That day I had been crying all day
Allah forgive her

thanks again brother
and you too sisters Renoa and rose rani

08-11-2009, 12:39 AM
Rose Rani
My friend
you are very nice that you just accepted the punishment as a polite chile. :)

Pinky Pinky
I feel sorry for you ,I know that was long ago but your friends are +نكبه+ that they didnt tell you lol

I enjoyed reading your stories girls :)

08-11-2009, 11:24 PM
May Allah Welcome you all
Renoa our sis.
you're right .. old ways, you can't go anywhere with them

but i still greatful for him .. after all he is my teacher

oh .. don't remind me
my sister are always complaining about sewing class
beside no one is sewing these days
so what is the point

good for you .. it seems they don't get along without the red eyes
lol .. just kidding

thank you sister
your presence and share made my happy

May allah be with you all times

rose rani
08-11-2009, 11:28 PM
my dear Renoa
it is very nice story

i have enjoyed readig
in my opinion physical punishment is
a very bad way to punish students

08-11-2009, 11:33 PM

See , maybe after being grandma I can get some sewing classes lol
Thank YOU ,nice topic .

rose rani

Yep the child will learn hating and also that may hurt his feelings and make him think of revange .
Thank you sis .

09-11-2009, 09:20 AM
our sis. rose rani

I'm also been very naive
I've done several things that makes me go under any table
every time i remember them >> ashamed
but admitting your mistake and accepting your punishment
makes you more mature than the others

thank you for your sharing and presence
I'm glade with it

God be with you all times sister

09-11-2009, 10:10 AM
our sis pink-pen

what a sad memory .. they did it all and you toke the fall
that must be painful .. to be hit by a ruler
but look at it from the bright side .. you've learned what is her mistake
you may face the same problem in the future .. and deal with it properly
by Allah's will

thank you sister for presence and sharing

i'm glad with it

May all be with you all times

sea breeze
12-11-2009, 10:55 PM
Walaikum Assalm

Nice story my brother Amjed

I see you have a good background about English language

Beautiful memories you have here

For me, I liked English language before I entered intermediate

school and I was good in it

I have a lot of memories when I was at school especially in the

primary school which means childhood

I remember when I was in the fourth grade, the teacher beat all of us

but I don’t remember why

but some of us were innocent and I didn’t do any thing

all I can say.. may Allah forgive her

it is my pleasure to share my incident with you

thanks again for this story

may Allah bless you

14-11-2009, 04:57 PM

Those were some sweet memories

Every one has his/her own special memories that can never be forgotten

I love my secondary school and university memores that I really treasure so much

I enjoyed reading yours brother so I have to thank you for that

Wish you all the luck

01-12-2009, 04:48 AM
Walaikum Assalm

Nice story my brother Amjed

I see you have a good background about English language

Beautiful memories you have here

For me, I liked English language before I entered intermediate

school and I was good in it

I have a lot of memories when I was at school especially in the

primary school which means childhood

I remember when I was in the fourth grade, the teacher beat all of us

but I don’t remember why

but some of us were innocent and I didn’t do any thing

all I can say.. may Allah forgive her

it is my pleasure to share my incident with you

thanks again for this story

may Allah bless you

May Allah Keeps You Safe

Our Teach. sea breeze

Not Good as Yours

What Is The Problem Of Beating
Any Way that Was along Time Ago
I hope this phenomenon is reduced
You're much Welcome

very Glad For Being Here And Sharing Sister

God Be With You All Times

01-12-2009, 04:55 AM

Those were some sweet memories

Every one has his/her own special memories that can never be forgotten

I love my secondary school and university memores that I really treasure so much

I enjoyed reading yours brother so I have to thank you for that

Wish you all the luck

May Allah Keeps You Safe

Our Teach. SoOoSoOo

You're Absolutely Right

Oh .. My University that is a different story ^^

Glad that You Like It

Very Happy For You're Presence

God Be With You All Times