المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اختصارات رووووعة اغلبيتنا يجهلها

01-12-2009, 08:26 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

صباحكم/مساؤكم رضا وسعادة

بدون مقدمات هذي الاختصارات شفتها واعجبتني اغلبها جديدة علي الصراحة استفدت منها فحبيت انقلها هنا حتى تعم الفائدة
& and
~ approximately / about / more or less
@ at
° degree
$ Dollar
= equals/is the same as
€ Euro
> greater / better / more than
∞ infinity
< less / smaller than
- minus
# number
¶ paragraph
% percent
+ plus, in addition to
£ Pound
§ section
\ therefore
¥ Yen
24/7 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
addr. address
aka also known as
aob any other business
approx. approximately
asap as soon as possible
asst. assortment
b/c because
btw by the way
c. or ca. circa, about c.1800
C19 nineteenth century
cd. could
cf. compare this with...
Ch. chapter
c/o care of
cob close of business
compl. complete
ct. contrast
ctrl. control
dept. department
devt. development
diff. difference
diy do it yourself
edn. edition
educ. education
e.g. for example
eob end of business
esp. especially
eta estimated time of arrival
etc. and the rest
faq(s) frequently asked question(s)
fifo first in first out
filo first in last out
fyi for your information
gigo garbage in garbage out
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
Govt. Government
hr. hour
HR Human Resources
ht. height
i.e. that is, that means
impt. important
info. information
JIT Just In Time
lifo last in first out
lilo last in last out
max. maximum
min. minimum
movt. movement
MPH miles per hour
NB important, notice this
no(s). number(s)
ok okay
p. page
pp. pages
para. paragraph
pc(s) piece(s)
pls. please
ppl. people
prob. problem
PTO please turn over
qtr. quarter
R&D research and development
re. regarding
rep. representative
sec. second
temp. temperature / temporary
vgc very good condition
vs against
wd would
w/ with
w/o without
wt. weight
wysiwyg What You See Is What You Get
.................................................. ......................
404 I Don't Know
.................................................. ......................
A3 Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere
.................................................. ......................
AAK Alive and Kicking
.................................................. ......................
AAP Always a Pleasure
.................................................. ......................
AAR At Any Rate
.................................................. ......................
AFAIK As Far As I Know
.................................................. ......................
AOTA All Of The Above
.................................................. ......................
AWHFY Are We Having Fun Yet?
.................................................. ......................
AYPI And Your Point Is?
.................................................. ......................
B4 Before
.................................................. ......................
B4N Bye For Now
.................................................. ......................
B/F Boyfriend
.................................................. ......................
BBL Be Back Later
.................................................. ......................
BBIAF Be Back in a Few
.................................................. ......................
BCNU Be Seein' You
.................................................. ......................
BEG Big Evil Grin
.................................................. ......................
BFN Bye For Now
.................................................. ......................
BG Big Grin
.................................................. ......................
BIF Basic In Fact
.................................................. ......................
BRB Be Right Back
.................................................. ......................
BTDT Been There Done That
.................................................. ......................
CM Call Me
.................................................. ......................
CR8 Create
.................................................. ......................
CU See You
.................................................. ......................
CUL8R See You Later
.................................................. ......................
DIKU? Do I Know You?
.................................................. ......................
DQMOT Don't Quote Me On This
.................................................. ......................
DUR? Do You Remember?
.................................................. ......................
F2F Face To Face
.................................................. ......................
FUD (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
.................................................. ......................
FWIW For What It's Worth
.................................................. ......................
FYA For Your Amusement
.................................................. ......................
FYI For Your Information
.................................................. ......................
G/F Girlfriend
.................................................. ......................
GA Go Ahead
.................................................. ......................
GAL Get A Life
.................................................. ......................
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
.................................................. ......................
HTH Hope This(That) Helps
.................................................. ......................
IAE In Any Event
.................................................. ......................
IC I See
ICWUM I See What You Mean
.................................................. ...................... IM Instant Message
IMO In My Opinion
.................................................. ......................
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
.................................................. ......................
IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
.................................................. ......................
IOW In Other Words
.................................................. ......................
IRL In Real Life
.................................................. ......................
J4F Just For Fun
.................................................. ......................
JK Just Kidding
.................................................. ......................
KISS Keep it Short and Simple
.................................................. ......................
L8R Later
.................................................. ......................
LOL Laugh Out Loud / Lots of Love
.................................................. ......................
LTNS Long Time No See
.................................................. ......................
MOF Male or Female
.................................................. ......................
MHOTY My Hat's Off To You
.................................................. ......................
MOTD Message Of The Day
.................................................. ......................
MTFBWU May The Force Be With You
.................................................. ......................
NBIF No Basis In Fact
.................................................. ......................
NFC No Further Comment
.................................................. ......................
NRN No Reply Necessary
.................................................. ......................
OBO Or Best Offer
.................................................. ......................
OBTW Oh, By The Way
.................................................. ......................
OIC Oh, I see
.................................................. ......................
OOTB Out Of The Box / Out of the Blue
.................................................. ......................
OTOH On The Other Hand
.................................................. ......................
PC Politically Correct
.................................................. ......................
PM Private Message
.................................................. ......................
POV Point Of View
.................................................. ......................
PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In
.................................................. ......................
ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing
.................................................. ......................
RTM Read The Manual
.................................................. ......................
SITD Still In The Dark = Still don't understand
.................................................. ......................
SMTOE Sets My Teeth On Edge = annoys you a lot
.................................................. ......................
T+ Think Positive
.................................................. ......................
TAF That's All Folks
.................................................. ......................
TAFN That's All For Now
.................................................. ......................
TIA Thanks In Advance
.................................................. ......................
TIC Tongue In Cheek = say something that appears to be serious, but isn't
.................................................. ......................
TM2T Too Much To Type
.................................................. ......................
TTFN Ta Ta For Now
.................................................. ......................
T2UL Talk To You Later
.................................................. ......................
TTTT To Tell The Truth
.................................................. ......................
TU Thank You
.................................................. ......................
TUVM Thank You Very Much
.................................................. ......................
TX Thanks
.................................................. ......................
.................................................. ......................
unPC unPolitically Correct
.................................................. ......................
WB Welcome Back
.................................................. ......................
WEG Wicked Evil Grin
.................................................. ......................
WRT With respect to
.................................................. ......................
WTG Way To Go!
.................................................. ......................
WUF? Where are You From?
.................................................. ......................
X! Typical Woman
.................................................. ......................
Y! Typical Man
.................................................. ......................
ZZZZ Sleeping / Bored
.................................................. ......................
O:-) Angelic
:-D Big smile
:-/ Confused
:-e Disappointed
:-> Evil grin
:-| Indifferent
:-* Kiss
:-)) Laughing
:-( Sad
:-@ Screaming
:-o Shocked or surprised
:-O Shouting
:-) Smiling
:-Q Smoking
:-P Thinking
:-& Tongue tied = You don't know what to say
:-[ Vampire
8-) Wide-eyed and smiling / Wearing glasses and smiling
;-) Winking

الشامخ 9
01-12-2009, 08:47 PM

01-12-2009, 09:36 PM
thanks for sharing this file with us


01-12-2009, 11:20 PM

01-12-2009, 11:34 PM
sis mrmreka

thanks dear for the shortcuts

yes and it is easier than to write the whole word

thanks again for your participate sweetie

English Lover
02-12-2009, 02:08 AM




02-12-2009, 06:01 AM
شكرا لمرورك اخي
TU 4 the passage Doctor

02-12-2009, 06:19 AM
يسلمك ربي عزيزتي

Dear pink-pen
I am delighted you are in the topic thank you sweety
Do not forget me in your prayer

English lover
welcome my brother

لحن الخريف
02-12-2009, 07:58 AM
مررررة روووعة يسلمووو

02-12-2009, 08:09 AM
hey there

You reminded me with the chat box :)

Btw I loved the topic and I believe that any1 can make his own GOw= group of words ^.^

Thanx alot

02-12-2009, 08:54 AM
لحن الخريف
welcome dear

فاتح القدس
02-12-2009, 09:39 AM
Thanx 4 this collection of abbreviations

we can add

a.m. = in the morning

p.m. = afternoon or evening

u know them

02-12-2009, 09:22 PM
فاتح القدس
Thank you my teacher
For your reply and attachments

عمري السعودية
05-12-2009, 07:57 PM
مشكوووووور ربي يعطيك الف الف عاافيه

تقبل مرووري

05-12-2009, 11:30 PM
Thanks a lot

N teacher
05-12-2009, 11:42 PM
thanks sweety

06-12-2009, 12:08 AM
wonderful choice


06-12-2009, 06:19 AM
عمري السعودية
sir hasan
N teacher
Thank you for your responses sweet