المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : How to find yourself^^

The Soul Of hope
14-12-2009, 12:20 AM
Start with a clean slate. Develop your own moral conduct and practice sticking to it. Remove vice from your life. Smoking, over-eating, and over-drinking will prevent you from functioning at your peak. Remember, you can't drive your life forward if you are always gazing through your rear-view mirror!

Now that you have a clean slate and you realize some people still think you stink: Forget about what everyone else thinks! You cannot please everyone. While you might not want to disappoint the people close to you, they should want you to be happy. As long as you continue to exist to fulfill other people's ideas of who you should be, you'll never know your true talents. "He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away." - Raymond Hull

Finding yourself is an enlightening experience. You become self-sufficient. You can do things for others without any expectations of return. You are no longer a needy child and you become utterly grateful for all those things people have done for you in the past. Finding yourself is a time of developing a philosophy or belief system that can carry you through the rest of your life. When you love yourself and who you are, you will savor and enjoy both life's pain and pleasures. How do you know you've found yourself? You will be able to help others find themselves. Finding yourself is not easy, but how can you be yourself if you've never felt connected to who you are, and you want to find whatever makes you you, then read on.

'Find solitude'. Get away from the expectations, the conversations, the noise, the media, and the pressure. Take some time each day to go for a long walk and think. Plant yourself on a park bench and look. Take a long, thoughtful road trip. Whatever you do, move away from anything that distracts you from contemplating your life and where you want it to go. In solitude, you should feel independent and self-sufficient, not lonely, needy or afraid

If I had all the resources in the world - if I didn't need to make money - what would I be doing with my day to day life and why? Perhaps you'd be painting, or writing, or farming, or exploring the Amazon rain forest. Don't hold back.
What do I want to look back on in my life and say that I never regretted? Would you regret never having traveled abroad? Would you regret never having asked that person out, even if it meant risking rejection? Would you regret not spending enough time with your family when you could? This question can be particularly difficult for some people.
If you had to choose three words to describe the kind of person you'd love to be, what would those words be? Adventurous? Loving? Open? Honest? Hilarious? Optimistic? Realistic? Motivated? Resilient? Don't be afraid to pick up a thesaurus. Don't be afraid to choose words that are considered negative. Sometimes your traits that others don't like become useful only in emergency situations or are valuable to the job you are meant to perform. If you do have a truly negative trait work on redirecting that energy to something positive. Exercising compensates for many bad habits and there are hobbies for almost every vice. Pole dancing is becoming a hobby! Don't wash your clothes much? Try camping.

Write down your answers. Beyond your time alone, it's easy for these thoughts to slip to the back of your mind and be forgotten. If you have them written down, then every time you reflect, you can review your notes and take it a step further, instead of answering the same questions all over again.

Act upon your newly discovered knowledge. Do the things that you want to do! Pick up those water-colors. Write a short story. Plan a trip to Mombasa, Mt Kenya, a walk at Nairobi Safari Walk. Have dinner with a family member. Start cracking jokes. Open up. Tell the truth. Whatever it is that you've decided you want to be or do, start being and doing it now.

Be ready for dead ends. Finding yourself is a journey, not a destination. A lot of it is trial and error. That's the price you pay in return for the satisfaction you receive: More often than not, you hit a bump in the road, and sometimes you fall flat on your face. Be prepared to understand and accept that this is a part of the process, and commit to getting right back up and starting over. It's not going to be easy - it never has been for anybody - but if you learn to see that as a chance to prove how much you want to find yourself, then you'll find fulfillment and security in your pursuit. When you are yourself, everyone will respect you more and treat you kindly. Best of all, you will always feel good about yourself..

:small (390):

14-12-2009, 12:33 AM
The Soul Of hope

Wow that's a great topic dearest

It depends on one's self evaluation to build a good character

and that should be accompanied with self esteam too

May happiness acompany you and May Allah grant you all your wishes

N teacher
14-12-2009, 02:45 PM
what a nice topic
thanx sweety
i wish u all the best

14-12-2009, 03:05 PM
the soul of hope

Mirror Mirror who is the one who deserve to be perfect ,beautiful and polit person in this whole world .

My mirror will say that Is Me

But infact that wasnt my mirror ,that was me lol

Thanks huny

The Soul Of hope
14-12-2009, 05:22 PM
your sweet worde increase the bueaty of my topic they added a bright look for my word

thanks a lot

15-12-2009, 12:28 AM
You know what ur topic not good

it's great it's more than great

very useful words

just keep that up

The Soul Of hope
15-12-2009, 06:07 PM
I have no word as sweet as yours

so I will keep silent

thanks a bundle

16-12-2009, 12:29 AM
wat beautiful words u've written sis
keep it up

The Soul Of hope
16-12-2009, 05:39 PM
thanks a bundle

I am so happy that you you like it

17-12-2009, 07:55 PM
Finding yourself is an enlightening experience. You become self-sufficient. You can do things for others without any expectations of return.

U R absolutely right SOUL:smile (40):..IT's really pinfull when u feel lost in this life,,when u just do not know ur self any more:smile (27):,,

i've once read a book NOVEL about self legend and how 1 may find him self in this missy world .. it's called the the ..ALCHEMIST..
i really i dvice u to read it it's amazing

thanks dear sis 4 this inspiring topic..

accept my pass :smile (101):

The Soul Of hope
17-12-2009, 09:25 PM
your nice lines beautify my topic >>
thanx so much

18-12-2009, 12:36 AM
sis soul of hope

really dear a great topic to read

really appreciate your participation

The Soul Of hope
18-12-2009, 12:43 AM
U r welcome my pinky dear

that is kind of you ,, I'm happy to see u here

take care