تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : educator; friend; facilitator; social; worker; guide; counselor; and monitor,

abu ghararah
27-12-2009, 09:08 PM
The language teacher should adopt many different teaching roles during the lesson. He can play the role of educator; friend; facilitator; social; worker; guide; counselor; and monitor, etc. The successful teacher should play all these different roles. Here are more examples of these roles along with a brief description of the tasks required to be done by each role :
teacher as monitor
He should try to go around the class and listen to students reading a passage or pronouncing words or letters. This will also help him to have a good control over the class.
The teacher's role is called "quality controller" by Richards and lockhart (1996). These authors confirm that a central task for the teacher is to maintain the quality of language use in the classroom .
Teacher as informant
He should have a full mastery of the teaching syllabus and language teaching materials. He should be a sours of knowledge to his student. He should have good competence in language and ability to properly introduce and teach it to learners (Abu-Ghararah; 2005).
Teacher as empower
The teacher tries to take as little control or direction over the lesson as possible and lets the students to make decisions about what they want to learn and how they want to learn. (Richards & lockhart: 1996:106).
Teacher as Group Organizer
The teacher role is to develop an environment in which students work cooperatively on group task. (Richards & lockhart: 1996:106).
Teacher as Feedback and Reinforcement Provider
"During the instructional process, effective teaching teachers frequently provide students with information about their academic performance. They most commonly do this through feedback and reinforcement. Although similar, feedback and reinforcement not the same. Reinforcement is meant to improve students motivation, while feedback is intended to inform student about the accuracy of their performance. In order to use these skills effectively, teacher must understand each of them and how to apply them.
Both reinforcement and feedback are ways of responding to students performance. They are skills that teachers employ after a student has done something-for example, answered a question, contributed to a discussion, turned in homework, or completed a project. Cagne (1985) notes that in the classroom where the teacher has established an interactive tone, opportunities for teachers to provide feedback and reinforcement arise naturally and constantly. Zahork (1987) indicates that about one-third of classroom interactions are teachers` responding behaviors. Thus, a teacher's ability to respond appropriately can greatly influence students` performance and motivation."

سعودي انجلش
28-12-2009, 09:19 AM
الف شكر لك
وبارك الله فيك
جهد رائع
وعمل مميز
وفقك ربي
وجزاك الله كل خير

تم التقييم

28-12-2009, 09:26 AM
A Teacher is a need in every society

Thank you brother ^.^

28-12-2009, 05:00 PM
Nice topic
Thank u brother.
