المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : هذا تقريري عطوني رايكم قبل ارفعة..

تفاحة نيوتن
08-01-2010, 10:50 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة ........ كتبت التقرير وابي رايكم فية

واي نقد او تصحيح لا تبخلو علي فية .......... والله يحفظكم


Regular conferencing between teacher and students played a key role in motivating students to read the book. This enable effective monitoring of individual progress and provided opportunities for the teacher to encourage students to read widely, show interest in the book being read, and to guide students in their choice of titles.When students read these schema are activated and help them to decode and interpret the massage beyond the printed words..

Inermedate stage students can be asked simply to write
Short phrases expressing what they most enjoyed about a book they read or to record questions they wish to ask their teacher or the students in class.

The Role of Extensive Reading in Language Learning:

* it increase the students` exposure to the language
*it can increase knowledge of vocabulary.
*it can lead to improvement in writing .
*it can motivate learners to read.
*it helps to build confidence with extended text.

فاتح القدس
09-01-2010, 05:02 AM
I took a quick look at your report
and it seems good
but are you the one who wrote it
or you copied it from another resource

09-01-2010, 05:18 AM
ممتاز أختي تفاحة

:smile (61):

الموضوع عن القراءة مع انه بسيط الا انه جيد

يوجد خطأ املائي في كلمة المتوسطة

وأنصحك تضيفي عليه



:girl face (107):
