المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ابي مقال عن .. اي شخصيـهـ ..

دمعه بعير
12-01-2010, 04:59 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

انا سنه ثاني انجليزي ..
في ماده writing المعلمه طالبه مننا مقال عن :
* شخص من اسرتك
* واحده من معلماتك
* شخصيه مشهوره
* واحده من صديقاتك

طبعاً نختار واحد ونكتب عنه ..

يعني انتي تكونين معجبه
بالشخصيه هذي وتمدحينها

مثال : وحده من البنات اختارت ..
الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ..

طريقه المقال :
يتكون من خمسه مقاطع
كل مقطع 5 سطور
المقدمه ونتكلم عن الشخصيه
المقطع الاول اوصفي الشخصيه ..
وصف جسمي مثل ( طويل ) و شخصي مثل ( جاد) ..
المقطع الثاني صفه من صفاته تحبينها وتركزين عليها
المقطع الثالث القصه التي توضح هذه الصفه
المقطع الاخير كيف اثرت عليك هذه الشخصيه

الله يجزاكم خير ابي المقال مع الترجمه با اسرع وقت

ܟjust E
13-01-2010, 01:47 AM
My mother

My mother. She was the greatest person who ever lived (I'm a bit biased). She was
always so caring and open-minded. She used to tell me, "I may not agree with some of the things that you do but I will always love you for who you are". She laughed a lot and didn't take life too seriously. It was common to see her laugh until she cried. She had laugh crinkles around her eyes. While some people think that those lines are ugly, I think that they show how someone has lived a happy life.

She always wanted to help the underdog. She didn't believe in speaking badly about people. She had strong beliefs but she never tried to push her beliefs on anyone. She thought that people had their own roads to travel. She was a very strong-willed person who stood up for what she believed in even though it may not have been easy. She was only five foot tall but she held her head high.
• My mom raising me on her own, she always turns up to cheer me up when I feeling really down. He is always good with the "I told you so" advice. Whenever I have made any bad decission and needed help to sort out things in my life.
• MY mom ! she's been there for me at every turn and every corner rooting for me, praising me, providing constructive criticism when necessary, lifting me up when I need it and sharing with me love, trust, sensibility and humor; all the qualities and attributes that made her who she is today. I've never heard anyone say an unkind word about her. she is respected and loved by so many and she's the smartest, most loving woman in the world.

she can be the one who put you on the path to the rest of your life. I can't forget whatever she did for me. if I could be half the woman that she was, I'd be happy. She will always be my hero

بآلتــــووفيـــــــق ..!!

دمعه بعير
13-01-2010, 12:18 PM
جزاك الله خييييييييييييييير

بس ماحطيتي فيه قصه ..
من ضمن الشروط ان يكون فيه قصه

13-01-2010, 02:58 PM

انتي اكتبي القصة بالانجليزي بأسلوبك و أحنا نعدلها لك