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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Voluntary work

هناء الطف
17-01-2010, 01:47 AM
It’s a shame when you see youths wasting their times in useless things that ruins them and their reputation instead of building and developing their bodies minds and souls. One thing that gives you this development in all of these components is voluntary work.
Voluntary work frees your soul where you give people without expecting anything back; it’s a good selfless deed.
It also frees your body and makes good use of it instead of wasting time in sleeping, for example you could go help an orphan’s shelter, or help cleaning the streets of your neighborhood or the seashore, you can help schools by teaching their students English etc...
It develops the mind as in your way of thinking about things, seeing many other people and socializing makes your public relations at a high status where you exchange many experiences with others and that increases your minds level.

17-01-2010, 04:26 AM
عن عمرة فيما أفناه وعن شبابه فيما أبلاه وعن ماله من أين اكتسبه وفيما أنفقه

:smile (61):