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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : يا اهل الخير الله يوفقكم عندي برغراف بسيط وابي تقييمكم له

aneen alrooh
22-01-2010, 12:25 PM
السلام عليكم ،،

شباب أنا سويت برغراف عن الfree time والموضوع يطرح ثلاث أسئلة لازم أجاوبها في البراغراف

والأسئلة هي what activities you enjoy doing . whem and where ?

who you like doing these activities with?

what you did last weekend

وهذا الموضوع اللي كتبته واذا كان فيه أي أخطاء لاهنتم علمونا

Free time
few of people have free time in their life . fortunately I have free times in some days of the week . in free times I like playing football, volleyball and basket ball in our garden in the early morning with the fresh air . I like doing these activities with my brother and my cousin because these guys add a lot of fun in these activities and we lived together since when I was born . I did not play anything last weekend because there was a football match between real Madrid and Barcelona . so I watched these match also with my cousin and my brother . I wish I could have free times in the future. I have to work hard because I want to a doctor in the future.

والله يوفقكم ويجزاكم الجنة ..

The tolerant
22-01-2010, 02:59 PM
السلام عليكم ،،

شباب أنا سويت برغراف عن الfree time والموضوع يطرح ثلاث أسئلة لازم أجاوبها في البراغراف

والأسئلة هي what activities you enjoy doing . Whem and where ?

Who you like doing these activities with?

What you did last weekend

وهذا الموضوع اللي كتبته واذا كان فيه أي أخطاء لاهنتم علمونا

free time
few people have free time in their life . Fortunately i have free times in some days of the week . In free times i like playing football, volleyball and basket ball in our garden in the early morning with the fresh air . I like doing these activities with my brother and my cousin because these guys add a lot of fun to these activities and we have lived together since i was born . I did not play last weekend because there was a football match between real madrid and barcelona . So i watched this match also with my cousin and my brother . I wish i could have free time in the future. I have to work hard because i want to be a doctor in the future.

والله يوفقكم ويجزاكم الجنة ..

ماشاء الله الموضوع جميل والاخطاء بسيطه الله يوفقك

aneen alrooh
22-01-2010, 04:41 PM
يعطيك العافية أم يزيد ماقصرتي والله

22-01-2010, 05:15 PM
أختي الأنين

هذا موضوع عندي من أول عن وقت الفراغ

ان شاء الله يفيدك



:girl face (107):

22-01-2010, 06:41 PM
ماشاء الله الموضوع جميل والاخطاء بسيطه الله يوفقك

الاخت ام يزيد - وفقها الله

ممكن تبينين لنا لماذا الثلاث كلمات التى وضعتيها بلون مختلف
فى تصحيح البرقراف - اعتبرتيها اخطاء !

أرجو الاسهاب فى شرح ذلك - وما هو البديل او التصحيح

شكرا مقدما


aneen alrooh
22-01-2010, 08:06 PM
يعطيك العافية s..s

أنا ولد :)

The tolerant
23-01-2010, 12:42 AM
اللي بلون مختلف هذا الصح اللي كتبته لوتلاحظ نفس لوني في الكتابه وارجع للبرجراف الاصلي
هذا اللي فهمته من كلامك وشكرا

23-01-2010, 12:50 AM
Now , it is clear
My sister
I thought they were
That is why
I got confused

Many Thanks To You

The tolerant
23-01-2010, 08:53 AM
you welcome

23-01-2010, 09:55 AM
السلام عليكم ،،

شباب أنا سويت برغراف عن الfree time والموضوع يطرح ثلاث أسئلة لازم أجاوبها في البراغراف

والأسئلة هي what activities you enjoy doing . whem and where ?

who you like doing these activities with?

what you did last weekend

وهذا الموضوع اللي كتبته واذا كان فيه أي أخطاء لاهنتم علمونا

Free time
few of people have free time in their life . fortunately I have free times in some days of the week . in free times I like playing football, volleyball and basket ball in our garden in the early morning with the fresh air . I like doing these activities with my brother and my cousin because these guys add a lot of fun in these activities and we lived together since when I was born . I did not play anything last weekend because there was a football match between real Madrid and Barcelona . so I watched these match also with my cousin and my brother . I wish I could have free times in the future. I have to work hard because I want to a doctor in the future.

والله يوفقكم ويجزاكم الجنة ..

Free time
Few people have free time in their life . Fortunately, I have free times in some days of the week. In my free times, I like playing football, volleyball and basketball in our garden in the early morning with the fresh air . I like doing these activities with my brother and my cousin for two reasons. Firstly, they add a lot of fun to such activities , and secondly, because we have lived together since I was born . I did not play anything last weekend because there was a football match between Real Madrid and Barcelona . So I watched this match also with my cousin and my brother . I wish I could have free times in the future. I have to work hard because I want to be a doctor in the future.

والله يوفقكم ويجزاكم الجنة ,وياك ..[/QUOTE]

23-01-2010, 03:03 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

aneen alrooh

بالتوفيــــــــــق أخي

وللقمر ام يزيد90 الله يباركـ فيكـ يا كل الخير انتِ

Northie باركـ الله فيكـ وزادكـ فضلاً وعلماً أخي

كل الشكـــــــــــــــر

The tolerant
23-01-2010, 06:43 PM
انت القمر ياقلبي
مشكوره الله يحفظك