المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : براغراف acar accident

الصغيرة الدلوعة
31-01-2010, 07:51 PM
الســــلام عليكــم ورحمــــة اللـه وبركــــاته
هـذا تعبير انـا كتبته واتمنى انكم تستفيدوا منه وإذا كـان فيـه أخطاء الـرجـاء تخبـرونـي

A Car Accident
Last Monday ,5:30 p.m. I went with my friend at the mall. I bought some clothes . When I returned I saw a car accident . A blue mini-van hit another car because it was speeding . I immediately ran to the cars and tried to help the two men . One man hurt his head . He was bleeding . Then, I called 911. Next , an ambulance came and took the men to the hospital .A doctor examined the first man who hurt his head then wrapped it with a bandage. Then , I went with my friend and man to a restaurant to eat dinner . After that , the man went to his house and I went with my friend to my house.

ابو رمانة
29-11-2010, 09:11 PM

ツأميمة الأحمديツ
01-12-2010, 10:33 AM
جزاك الله كل خير وبارك الله فيك

01-10-2011, 01:56 AM
nice paragraph